The English translation for "engin"
What is machine?
The English translation for "matériaux"
What is materials?
The English translation for "enrobé"
What is asphalt mix?
The English translation for "développement responsable"
What is sustainable development?
The English translation for "collaborateur"
What is employee, team member, or colleague?
The English translation for "mettre en œuvre"
What is lay, apply, pave, implement?
The English translation for "valorisation"
What is recycling or reusing?
The English translation for "liant"
What is binder?
The English translation for "bonnes pratiques"
What is best practices?
The English translation for "agence"
What is profit center?
The English translation for "chaussée"
What is roadway or pavement?
The English translation for "centrale d'enrobage" or "poste d'enrobage"
What is asphalt mixing plant?
The English translation for "revêtement"
What is surface, surfacing, pavement, paving, or coating?
The English translation for "éco-variantes"
What is environmentally friendly alternatives?
The English translation for "cœur de métier"
What is core business?
The English translation for "agrégats d'enrobés recyclés"
What is reclaimed aspahlt pavement (RAP)?
The English translation for "plateforme" (dans le contexte de Valormat + Ecotri, ex.)
What is facility?
The English translation for "patrimoine routier"
What is road assets?
The English translation for "mixité"
What is gender balance or gender diversity?
The English translation for "implantation"
What is location?
The English translation for "déblais" and "remblais"
What is cut and fill?
The English translation for "granulats naturels"
What is virgin aggregates?
The English translation for "signalisation lumineuse dynamique"
What is active light-emitting signaling system?
The English translation for "déchets"
What is waste and debris?
Dans le contexte du CODG:
The English translation for "Directeur" and "Directeur Général"
What is Group Vice President and Executive Vice President?