The city that all 3 PowerHouses met to plan out Post war europe.
What is Yalta?
Man who promised free elections, and demanded to leave hungry.
Who is Imre nagy?
A statement Considered to be “call to war”; a division of europe.
What is Iron curtain?
The yooks and zooks.
Who is the US and the Soveit union?
A extremely large group of students protesting and demanding for “Long live DEMOCRACY”, “Down with corruption” , “Down with dictatorship” .
What is Tiananmen Square?
A american stronghold that is a nuclear threat to soviets.
What is turkey?
Most powerful leader in China’s history, created the Four Modernizations
Who is Deng Xiopeng?
The “ECONOMIC” support of food, machines, and other materials.
What is the marshall plan?
Communism being not normal but “opposite”.
What is butter down?
Signed a 30 yr Treaty Of friendship, also considered as “Moscow's junior partner”.
Who is CHINA?
US tried a sneak attack on a heavily supplied base.
What is the bay of the pigs?
Publicly denounced stalin for jailing and killing soviet citizens.
Who is Nikita Khrushchev?
An Alliance that “GAVE POWER” the soveit union in 1955
What is Warsaw pact?
The last weapon created by “The boys in the back room”
What is The Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo?
The bill that boosted the US’s economy because of “SPENDING”.
What is GI Bill?
The invasion of the Big brother to the little brother of non-comunist reforms “socialism with a human face”.
What is Prague?
A young lawyer. Who improved the economy ,literacy,health care , and conditions for women.
Who is Fideal castro?
.The dennocing of a man's legacy through russian history.
What is destalinazation?
The triple sling jigger, then the progression to the kickabo kid finally to the Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo.
What is the arms race?
What is Poverty?
“The Soviet union Vietnam syndrome” The soviet union's civil war. They could never run away from this country
What is afghanistan?
Fierce anti-communist US president.
Who is Ronald regan?
The extreme nuclear tensions that lasted 13 days.
What is cuban missile crisis?
The separation between the Yooks and the Zooks.
What is the Berlin wall?
The “Battle” of the two super powers to obtain total dominance in society.
What is Space race?