Grab Bag
Cold War
Vietnam War
President Nixon
AIDs Scare

The period of time, where there was extreme tension between the US and the Soviet Union (USSR), is most commonly known as The...

Cold War


Prior to Vietnam the United States was involved in another war in Asia during the 1950's, hint this war ended in a stale mate, with a North and South...

Korean War

What was the name of the incident that happened at a college protest, that got violent leaving 4 killed by the national guard. 

Kent State Massacre/Incident


What is the name of the Scandal that eventually lead to Richard Nixon resigning the presidency?

Watergate Scandal 


Which famous basketball player came out in 1991, admiting that he was HIV positive.

Magic Johnson


The Cuban government was overthrown, becoming a communist nation, and leaving this man as it's leader...

Fidel Castro


What was the name for the modern day, witch hunt for communists during the late 1940's and 1950's. 

Red Scare


Nixon’s term for those who supported Vietnam War and his policies 

Silent Majority


In the 1972 election won every state except for what state that McGovern won ?


Name two myths about HIV that were prevelant during the 1980's.
  • You can get HIV/AIDS from sharing a bottle of water

  • You can get HIV/AIDS from casual physical contact

  • Only Homosexuals and Drug Users can get HIV/AIDS

  • You can AIDS from sharing a toilet seat 

  • You can AIDS by kissing someone who has HIV/AIDS

  • People with HIV/AIDS looks sick and unkept

  • Clean good looking people do not get HIV/AIDS


When a US spy plane found USSR missiles in Cuba, it lead to a blockade of the the island, and almost nuclear war, this period of time was known as...

The Cuban Missile Crisis


____________ Theory, states that countries will fall one by one to communism, and eventually spread across the entire globe.

Domino Theory


The North Vietnamese launched a surprise attacks on South Vietnam during Lunar New Year, now known as what? 

The Tet Offensive 


The President's privilege to withhold certain information from the public is most commonly known as...

Executive Privilege


Before the CDC offically named the virus "AIDs", AIDs had two other common names it was called in the Media, name one of them. 

GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency)

 “Gay Cancer”


The USSR and US come to an agreement that ends the Cuban Missile Crissis, what are the three parts of the agreement.

US removes missiles from Turkey 

USSR removes missiles from Cuba 

US promises to not invade Cuba 


What is the name of the organization, created after WWII as a reaction to the holocaust, it is a kind of world police force. 

UN-United Nations-world police force


The, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, lead the congress to pass a piece of legislation, which allowed the President to “take all necessary measures” in Vietnam, this resolution was called...

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


Nixon firing special prosecutor Cox as well as Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General was known in the press as the Saturday Night _________?

Saturday Night Massacre


This young man contracted (got), AIDs from a blood transfusion, he needed due to being a hemophiliac.

Ryan White 


What is the name of the failed US plot to overthrow Fidel Castro? 

The Bay of Pigs Invasion


What is the name of the Senator from Wisconsin, who claims to have the names of over 200 communist with in the American government?

Joseph McCarthy


The massacre during which 500 civilians were killed by US troops, leading to more protests of war, and negative opinion of the troops

My Lai Village 


What is the name of the Attorney, who is the first to come out against Nixon, and to testify against him before the senate?

John Dean


This celebrity was the first major star to contract HIV/AIDs, it was rumored that he was homosexual even though he had been previously married to Phyllis Gates

Rock Hudson
