Early Cold War
Space/Arms Race
Economy/Levittowns & Redlining

How many sections was Germany divided into during the Yalta Conference? Who governed each section?

Germany was divided into 4 sections. These sections were governed by the U.S., S.U., France, and Britain.


What does the acronym M.A.D stand for? Explain the meaning.

The acronym M.A.D. stands for mutually assured destruction, meaning that if either the U.S. or S.U. launched a nuclear attack, both sides would perish. 


Define the word conformity.

When everyone complies with societal rules so that everything is the same.


What was the name of the first animal sent into space?

Laika the dog.


Which Western country was trying to contain communism?

The United States was trying to contain communism from spreading.


What world-changing weapon was created by the S.U. in response to the U.S's atomic bomb?

The S.U. created the H-bomb (hydrogen bomb) in response to the U.S's atomic bomb.


Describe the family norms which existed in the 1950s.

1. Women - domestic roles (cooking, cleaning, raising children)

2. Men - breadwinner (financial provider)


Define the Red Scare.

The Red Scare was an extreme fear of the spread of Communism in the United States. 


What was the communist country the U.S. was most afraid of?

The communist country that the U.S. was most afraid of was the S.U.


How many times stronger was the H-bomb in comparison to the atomic bomb?

The H-bomb was 1000x stronger than the atomic bomb.


Describe Levittowns and who they benefitted.

 Levittowns were suburban housing development towns which emerged during the 1950s that looked identical. They benefitted white citizens only because they were segregated towns. 


Name the 3 major impacts JFk had on U.S. politics.

  1. Bays Of Pigs mission failure - communism spread further

  2. Fueled the Civil Rights Movement - desegregated schools 

  3. Going to the Moon - expanded the U.S.’s space programs


What is the term or name given to any war where no direct fighting occurs between the two countries.

The name given to these types of wars is "Cold War".


Which country sent the first successful satellite into space and what was it named?

The S.U. sent the first successful satellite into space and it was named SPUTNIK.


Define Redlining.

A legally discriminatory practice in which services (often financial) are withheld from citizens living in areas labeled "hazardous" (yellow/red zones).


What was the reason for the U.S's involvement in the Korean War?

The U.S. was focused on preventing the further spread of communism globally.


What were the economic systems spread by the U.S. and S.U. which fueled tensions within the Cold War? Define them.

Communism - A social system in which the economy is controlled by the community. Wealth and resources are shared amongst individuals.

Capitalism - A social system in which the economy is controlled by private individuals to make profit. Success is based on individual efforts, rather than communal efforts.


Was Peace, Progress, and Prosperity achieved during the Space/Arms race?

  1. Peace was not achieved because this race fueled tension between the U.S. and S.U.

  2. Progress was achieved because of the technological advancements made.

  3. Prosperity was achieved because space exploration brought success to the U.S. and S.U. in addition to new knowledge.


List the 4 reasons for the economic surge of the 1950s.

  1. Increase in birth rates

  2. Increase in number of college degrees earned

  3. Increase in number of cars sold

  4. Increase in spousal Income


Where did JFK's failed mission the "Bay of Pigs" occur?

The failed "Bay of Pigs" mission took place in Cuba. 
