Cold War 1
Cold War 2
Cold War 3
Cold War 4
Cold War 5

Leader of the Soviet Union following WWII.

Who is Joseph Stalin?


How did Harry S. Truman become president?

FDR passed away in 1945 shortly before the end of WW2


The policy of _______________ was implemented by the United States to try and prevent the spread of communism.

What is containment?


Who did the United States try to assassinate in the Bay of Pigs invasion?

Who is Fidel Castro?


Title given to any war where no direct fighting occurs between the two countries.

What is a cold war?


What policy did the Truman doctrine embrace?

What is Containment?


Name the first man to walk on the moon.

Who is Neil Armstrong?


What is the name of the U.S. space agency?

What is NASA?


What does NATO stand for?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Years for the start and end of the Cold War?

What is approximately 1945 - 1990?


What did the National Defense Education of 1958 act do?

Shifted our educational focus to math and science in public schools. The goal was to produce more engineers and scientists.


What is the Red Scare?

Intensely anti-communist period in the United States.. Fear of communism 


 Churchill's noted description of this barrier across the continent of Europe following World War II.

What is the Iron Curtain?


Which individual falsely accused 205 members of the State Department of being communist?

Senator Joseph McCarthy 


Who was the U.S. President that was assassinated during the Cold War?

Who is John F. Kennedy?


What is the Arms Race/Nuclear Arms Race?

The competition for supremacy in nuclear warfare between the United States and the Soviet Union.


Why was NATO created? 

As an anti-Soviet military alliance formed between the United States and Western European countries at the start of the Cold War.


Name the satellite that the Soviet Union sent into space that became the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth.

What is Sputnik I?


Name the massive economic aid plan for Europe to help it recover from war damage.

What is the Marshall Plan?


What did Dwight D. Eisenhower warn the U.S. public about in his presidential farewell speech?

What is the Military Industrial Complex?


What is one key characteristic of the Cold War?

1) Arms race/ the threat of nuclear war 2) competition over the allegiance (loyalty) of newly independent nations, and 3) the military and economic support of each other's enemies around the world. 4) red scare/McCarthyism in the United States


What is the difference between a hot and cold war? 

This fierce conflict is called the "Cold War" since the two superpowers never directly engaged in combat
("hot war").

Instead, they increased their military capabilities, tried to expand their global influence, and gave military and economic support of each other's enemies around the world.  


Name of the military alliance formed by the Soviets and Eastern Europe communist nations in response to NATO.

What is the Warsaw Pact?


How did the Red Scare and McCarthyism impact our world at the time?

It created a big fear/panic over communism in the United States.. It led to an arms race and and more powerful nuclear weapons.. People were falsely accused of being communist and in some cases lost careers


What is a Proxy War?

Proxy War - a war fought between groups of smaller countries that each represent the interests of other larger powers.

Major proxy wars fought during the Cold War included the: Korean War, Vietnam War, and Afghan-Soviet War
