Wartime Conferences
First Steps to Division
More Steps to Division
Grab Bag

This wartime conference was more positive than the next one at Potsdam. It included the agreement to have free elections in Eastern Europe and divide Germany.

What is Yalta?


This French term means relating to the "middle classes" or what we might think of use upper class but not royalty. It's in contrast to the proletariat (working class). NOTE: spelling doesn't matter.

What is bourgeoisie?


These years are covered by the term "origins of the Cold War".

What are 1945-49?


This happened in 1948-9 and was one of the first crises of the CW. Soviets blocked the roadways to Western powers, but the US flew supplies in instead.

What is the Berlin Blockade/Airlift/Crisis


This is one of the schools of thought in CW historiography. Be ready to explain it!

What is orthodox, revisionist, post-revisionist, Soviet orthodox, European, etc.?


This person was the only leader to remain unchanged across the wartime conferences?

Who is Stalin?


This term is often conflated with communism, but they are different. This system has some government ownership and direction of the economy, but also preserves personal liberties.

What is socialism?


The purpose of this is hotly debated: was it the end to WWII, the start of the CW, or both?

What is the atomic bomb?


This was formed by the West following the Berlin Crisis of 1948.

What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?


This term in the modern era of the CW, refers to gaining control over other countries by influencing them economically and ideologically.

What is imperialism?


Leaders from these two countries changed over the course of the conferences. NOTE: Need both countries.

What is the UK (Churchill to Atlee) and the USA (FDR to Truman)?


This term refers to the policy of actively increasing a country's power or territory.

What is expansionist?


This term comes from a speech given by Churchill after he left office. It refers to the separation of the world into US and Soviet spheres of influence.

What is the iron curtain?


This Eastern Bloc organization was formed in 1947 so that communist countries could share information (public reason) and so that Stalin could control information flow within his sphere of influence (private reason).

What is Cominform?


This refers to the way the Soviets gradually took control over other countries by installing Communist leaders friendly to the USSR.

What is Salami Tactics?


This wartime conference was the earliest and formed the basis for agreements among the Big Three.

What is Tehran?


The area over which a country has influence. They may or may not be geographically close.

What is sphere of influence?


This policy reversed decades of isolationism by the US by promising to help free people resist armed minorities or outside pressures.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


DAILY DOUBLE:  This country was the last to "fall in line" under Soviet control in Eastern Europe following a Soviet-led coup to install communist leadership.

What is Czechoslovakia?


This was one of the historians mentioned in the historiography chapter.

Who is Alperovitz, Gaddis, Schlesinger, etc.


Despite agreements to form the UN, cracks started to form over the fate of post-war Europe at this wartime conference.

What is Potsdam?


DAILY DOUBLE:  This was the Soviet response to the Marshall Plan.

What is COMECON?


This led to the US belief that the Soviets were insecure, expansionist, repressive to their people, and hostile to the West. It was the basis for Truman's policies toward containment.

What is Kennan's Long Telegram?


The US indirectly kept the Soviets from receiving Marshall Plan aid through this requirement for receiving money.

What is full access to the financial records of the country?


This was the Soviet response to NATO and was a military alliance between communist countries in Eastern Europe. It followed less than a week after West Germany joined NATO in 1954.

What is the Warsaw Pact?
