Who were the two superpowers during the Cold War?
What is the Iron Curtain?
The division of Europe into communist and non-communist zones. (Not real-- figuratively speaking)
What does containment mean?
stopping the spread of communism
What was the outcome of the Korean War?
North and South Korea remained divided at the 38th parallel
What is the Red Scare?
THE FEAR OF COMMUNISM IN THE U.S.---- American citizens were scared that communism was going to spread to the United States
What is the difference between cold war and conventional war?
What is an example of a conventional war?
Cold War there is no actual fighting, conventional war there is fighting
EX: Civil War, WW1, WW2, Vietnam War, Korean War
When one country falls to communism, it could lead to surrounding countries also falling to communism.... is commonly called the _______________ theory.
Domino theory
Why was NATO formed? What was formed in retaliaiton?
Warsaw Pact
The Korean War was an example that the United States could __________ ________________.
Contain Communism
The HUAC and McCarthy were conducting investigations and were accusing American citizens (including government officials) of being ______________.
What was the reasoning behind the Cold War.... aka what were they disagreeing on?
communist or non-communist AND name an example
NATO= non-communist (Ex: USA, Great Britain, France)
WARSAW= communist (Ex: USSR, satellite nations)
What is the purpose of the United Nations?
to promote PEACE and cooperation amongst all nations... to prevent future wars
Why is the Cold War considered to be a global war?
Because China fell to communism & was involved in the Korean War
After WW2, veterans used the ___________ to go to college, buy a house, provide for their families, etc.
The GI Bill
Why did the United States and USSR want to avoid actual war/fighting?
Both countries had access to atomic bombs-- it could cause nuclear destruction
The Marshall Plan helped REBUILD (financially and structurally) what area AND why?
WESTERN EUROPE-- to prevent communism from spreading
What 2 countries did Harry Truman give $$$$$ to in order to stop the spread of communism? (Truman Doctrine)
Greece and Turkey
During the Korean War President Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur.... why?
He wanted to attack communist China
What caused the population to increase after WW2?
the Baby Boom- soldiers were coming home from war and starting families
East Germany= communist
How are the Korean and Vietnam Wars similar? (Technically 3 ways)
Both countries are divided into two (communist vs non-communist) --- both wars were started when the communist side tried to take over the non-communist sides. (AKA- both fighting communism)
Also- Both hot spot wars (conventional wars) AND USA got involved in both (trying to help non-communist side)
3 examples of how the United States tried to contain communism
1. Eisenhower Doctrine
2. Truman Doctrine
3. Marshall Plan
What is a difference between the United Nations and League of Nations? (2)
1- The United States joined the United Nations and NOT the League of Nations
2- United Nations can use MILITARY POWER
1. After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into space what did the United States create?
2. This then led to the _______________.
2. Space Race