The Cold War started almost immediately after this war ended.
World War II
The Red Scare was the fear of the spread of this philosophy
During the Cold War, the United States pursued this foreign policy.
Containment (of Communism)
The end of the Cold War has come to be symbolized by this obstacle tumbling down.
Berlin Wall
In an atomic bombing situation, Bert the Turtle advised American schoolchildren to do this.
Duck and Cover
The Cold War featured these two major superpowers.
Soviet Union (USSR) & United States (USA)
The Red Scare was fueled by this Senator's accusations of Communist spies in the government.
Joseph McCarthy
During the Cold War, the United States led direct military conflicts in these two Asian countries.
Korea & Vietnam
President Reagan is often credited with bankrupting the Soviet Union by dramatically increasing defense spending, with programs such as this one, named for a popular space movie.
Star Wars
During the Cold War, Soviet missiles were placed in this country off the coast of Florida.
As one of the early signs of the Cold War, this country was split into two after WWII.
During the hysteria of the Red Scare, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg were accused of selling secrets of atomic weapons to the Soviet Union, found guilty, and given this sentence.
During the Cold War (and to this day), the United States was part of this organization, a group of democratic nations.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
The Soviet Union faced new challenges in the late 1980s when various Soviet Republics, which had been forced to join the Soviet Union, demanded this.
Although most divisions of the Cold War have healed, this country remains divided between a Communist North and democratic South.
The Cold War was based upon an ideological divide between these two economic systems.
Capitalism & Communism
The Red Scare during the Cold War was actually the SECOND Red Scare; the First Red Scare occurred shortly after the end of this war.
World War I
The Soviet Union formed a mutual defense agreement with various Communist satellite states. This agreement became known as
Warsaw Pact
After the end of the Cold War, satellite states like Poland formalized their alliance with the United States by joining this organization.
Following the Cuban Revolution, the United States made a ham-fisted attempt at overthrowing Fidel Castro's government with this invasion.
Bay of Pigs
The Soviet Union caused a scare in the United States when they launched this satellite.
The Red Scare was also fueled by this committee in the House of Representatives, which investigated many celebrities and government officials.
House Un-American Activities Committee
After World War II, the U.S. helped the nations of Europe rebuild (and prevented them from becoming Soviet allies) by giving them money through this program.
Marshall Plan
The policy adopted by President Nixon to reduce tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union was known as
This country in Asia became Communist in 1950, forcing its democratic government to flee to Taiwan, where it remains to this day.