Significant Events
Important Terms
Important People
An intergovernmental organization established in October of 1945 to promote international cooperation after the failure of the League of Nations.
What is the United Nations?
This event was one of the first major crises in the Cold War that began with the blockade of Berlin in 1948.
What is the Berlin Airlift?
A nation that appears to be sovereign but is under the control of another nation.
What is a satellite nation?
Elected vice president in Roosevelt's 4th term; became 33rd President of the United States on Roosevelt's death in 1945 and was elected President in 1948; authorized the use of atomic bombs against Japan.
Who is Harry S. Truman?
An international relations policy set forth by the President of the United States in 1947, that said the U.S. would protect European nations from falling into Communism.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
Conflict that began in the summer of 1950 and ended in March of 1953 with the establisment of a demilitarized zone along the 38th parallel.
What is the Korean War?
Created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties.
What is House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?
Republican senator from Wisconsin that was responsible for the Second Red Scare during the 1950s.
Who is Joseph McCarthy?
A communication from the Soviet embassy to the U.S. State department in 1946 that outlined a strategy of containment to combat Soviet expansion after World War II.
What is the Long Telegram?
The sustained military and political tension that began after World War II and continued until 1990.
What is the Cold War?
The military, political and ideological barrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the West prior to the decline of communism that followed the political events in eastern Europe in 1989
What is the Iron Curtain?
After World War II, this man served as Chief of Staff and was the architect of the European Recovery Program.
Who is George C. Marshall?
European Recovery Program that provided aid and supplies to war-torn areas after World War II.
What is the Marshall Plan?
This first artificial satellite was launched into Space by the Soviet Union in 1957
What is Sputnik I?
A military alliance of European and North American democracies founded after World War II.
What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
American adviser, diplomat, political scientist, and historian, best known as "the father of containment" and as a key figure in the emergence of the Cold War.
Who is George Keenan?
The practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.
What is McCarthyism?
This idea was put forth by President Eisenhower and it describes a dangerous relationship between policy and monetary relationships between Congress and the U.S. military.
What is the Military-Industrial Complex?
A mutual defense treaty between 8 Communist States of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War.
What is the Warsaw Pact?
This couple was charged and convicted with selling national secrets to the Soviet Union.
Who are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?