True or False. Cooking outdoors in cold weather will take longer than in warmer weather.
Name the song: "Toys in every store But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be On your own front door
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
About how many layer of clothing should you wear?
Three or more.
True or False: Tight-fitted clothes are better than baggy clothes on cold-weather campouts.
False. Your body heats itself most efficiently when it's enveloped in a layer of warm air. Dressing in loose, layered clothing helps aid air convection and prevents clothing from restricting blood flow.
What do you do if you suspect someone is hypothermic?
Get the victim out of the cold. Remove wet clothing and wrap them up in warm, dry clothes. Add additional layers such as a sleeping bag, blankets, or some form of plastic to hold in body heat.
White gas