How many BPM does SAN generate on average?
70 BPM
What innate feature in the nasal passage helps the immune system
What muscle is the heart made from?
Cardiac muscle
What is the urinary system also known as?
Renal system
What 4 things is the Skeletal system made up from?
Bones, joints, cartilage and ligaments
What does San stand for?
Sinoatrial node
What aids the immune system in the trachea
Mucus lining
What does LORD stand for?
Left oxygenated
Right deoxygentated
What four parts make up the urinary system?
Kidneys, ureters, Bladder, ureathra
Name three components of the Axial region
Skull ribcage, vertebral column, Hyoid bones
What does AVN stand for?
Atrioventricular node
What are the two main combatants in the second and third line of defence for the immune system?
2nd- Inflamation
3rd- T and B Cells
What does the pulmonary and systemic circuits take blood too?
Lungs and body and back to the heart
Name three things the system does
Removes waste, maintains chemical balance in the blood, makes hormones, controls amount of water in the blood/body
Name 2 types of bone tissue
Spongy and compact
What are the specialised muscle fibres in the septum called?
Purkinje fibres
What cells secret mucus to aid the immune system?
Goblet cells
What are Tricuspid, Pulmonary, Bicuspid and Aortic
What is Osmoregulation?
Control of the water levels in the body.
Name 2 components of the Appendicular region
Limbs, girdles
What are the specialised muscle cells that conduct electrical impulses called?
Name 3 chemical and 3 mechanical defences used in the first stage of immune defences
Chemical - tears, stomach acid, mucus, sebum, sweat
Mechanical- Skin shedding, cilia action, flushing (urine), Blinking
What valves control the flow into the left and right ventricles
Left- Mitral
Right- Tricuspid
Where is the nephron?
Kidney- 1 mill per kidney to filter blood
Name 3 different types of bone
Long, short, flat, irregular