A CNU tool that helps you look over the entire semester and plan ahead.
What is Semester At A Glance?
The type of technology platform we use at CNU.
What is Google Suite?
What is Motivation, Leads to success, and Planing for the future?
Should you break up reading into chunks?
A time-management tool that helps students decide what assignments are more important than others.
What is a priority list?
How often should I be looking at my email, at the very least, according to the PowerPoint?
What is once a day?
The acronym given for a specific goal-setting guideline.
What is SMART?
Something that a student can do to help stay on task and will fresh their memory of the reading later.
The reason(s) you should create a time schedule. (list one, there are seven possible answers)
What is Ensure balance, Increase efficiency, Waste less time, Motivate you, Increase motivation by planning a reward, Perform in an organized matter, Set immediate goals
This app was mentioned as worth downloading onto your phone.
What is Blackboard/Scholar?
The type of motivation that comes from within oneself.
What is intrinsic motivation?
One of the four behaviors for college-level readers.
What are managing expectations, creating reading goals, patience, and persistence, and using all available resources?
What is eat lunch every day?
A template/format you use for creating titles for all of your documents
What are naming conventions?
The type of motivation that comes from other sources.
What is extrinsic motivation?
Mystery Question
JK! Free points.
Usually thought of as a time management problem, this word related to time management is in fact an emotion regulation problem.
What is procrastination?
The specific name that your Google calendar should be named according to the PowerPoint.
What is my first and last name? (Will take my name)
The types of goals mentioned in the powerpoint.
What are immediate, short-term, semester, and long-term goals?
The acronym of the reading strategy we went over during the powerpoint.