Who is the first family cat?
Who is Gomez
who got the first concussion?
who is Hannah
how many times did we go to Disney?
What is 7 times
how many cousins do we have? (immediate)
what is 6
Which family member never remembers or comes to our birthdays?
Who is Papa
how many puppies did Buddha have?
What is 8
Who broke the first bone?
Who is Nelson
Who blew up the basement bathroom?
Who is Nelson
Who are the undiagnosed dyslexics?
Who is Kendall
who thinks the toilet is in their pants?
who is Hadley
whos fish ate everyone else's then exploded?
who is hannah
who kicked someone and got more injured then the person they hit? (hips)
who is Avery
Who did mom forget at home when we went to VBS?
Who is Ella
whos wedding did someone get stuck in a seatbelt?
Who is Denise
what year did we move to hurricane road?
What is 2012
What cat fell through a window?
Who is Tigger
How many times did Parker crack his head open?
what is 4
What is the name of the fake talkshow that was created by hannah and kendall?
What is Hello Chicago!
Where did we occassionaly walk 3 hours too?
Where is Circle K
Who covered their head in braids?
Who is Londyn
What cat was named Big Toe before we got it?
Who is Toby
Whos foot fell in the pool skimmer?
Who is Avery
Which kids got lost at Disney?
Who is Nelson, Hannah, Kendall, Parker
name everyone birthdays here {day month year }
D- june 27 1976, M-Nov 15 1977,E- Dec 2 2000 N-March 10 2001, H-Jan 23 2003, D- June 24 2004 K-Aug 27 2004, N- June 4 2005, A-Jan 13 2006, E-July 6 2007, P-Feb 17 2009, L- Nov 29th 2010 , H-May 11 2012, O- March 1st 2023
what year did mom and dad get married?
What is 1999