8th Grade
9th Grade
10th/11th Grades
12th Grade
Starting College
These are the 3 things I worry the most about for college.
What are money, grades, not knowing what I want to do, not knowing anyone, making friends, moving out, etc.
This common misunderstanding about 9th grade can negatively influence admissions and financial aid in college.
What is 9th grade doesn't count, it's not high school yet, colleges don't look at 9th grade year. In fact 9th grade is the real deal, many students make the mistake of not doing their best in 9th grade only to find that they miss out on incredible college opportunities as a result.
These pre-tests can help you prepare to score well on a college admissions test. They will also point out subject areas that need more study.
What is PACT, PSAT
This application is the first step in applying for nearly all financial aid. Getting it done early helps improve your chances of receiving money.
What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA?
These are some of the places/groups to get involved in on campus.
What is Office of Engagement, Bennion Center, ASUU, Student Government, Greek Row, Orientation Leader.
This is one of things that I can do to explore my career options.
What is talking to people in a career that I may want to pursue. What is researching careers through professional organizations. What is working with an advisor to take career aptitude tests. What is job shadowing a professional.
These courses will help you get ready for college and may give you college credit. In fact, with careful planning, some people graduate high school having completed their general education requirements or even having completed an associates degree.
What are Honors and IB, AP, Concurrent Enrollment classes?
These extracurricular activities can improve your chances for scholarships and paying for college.
What are athletics, art, music, internships, clubs, leadership positions, community service, etc.
These are volunteer or unpaid jobs that let you try out a potential profession. Getting one can help you explore what you want to do in college and for a career. As a bonus, they are valuable on college applications.
What are internships?
These are first year programs that can help you get a good start in your college career.
What is BEACON, Leap, Block U, Diversity Scholars & many more! These programs help first year students get settled at the U, meet new friends, keep their grades up, and transition well to the college life.
These things will help me prepare academically and maintain good standing through high school.
What is turning in homework, going to class, improving study skills, taking subjects that interest me, working with a tutor for difficult subjects, etc.
These are courses you should take all four years of high school in order to meet admissions requirements and be the best possible candidate for the university of your choice.
What is Math, Language Arts, Science, Foreign Language?
This research will help you narrow down your options for colleges or universities. A thorough effort can help ensure that you have completed requirements, that the program is a good fit, and that you can afford to take classes.
Why should I research colleges and universities admissions requirements, costs, available majors, and student life.
These people are resources that can help you research colleges, learn about the options available to you, and even help you make sure that you have accomplished the necessary steps to get into college.
Who are counselors and college advisers. Check if your high school has a UCAC advisor! They can help with all of this and they are super cool!
These are just a handful of resources on campus that will help you succeed in homework and give you support on campus.
What is Writing Center, Math Center, Associated Students of the University of Utah tutoring, Center for Ethnic Student Affairs, TRIO, Women's Resource Center, Career Services.
These are steps I can take today to to help ensure I can pay for college and minimize my college debt.
What is open a college savings account, save birthday/allowance money, learn about requirements for scholarships, talk with my family about creating a college finances plan, etc.
These are simple, but effective, ways to ensure high school success.
What is work hard, hold high expectations for your grades, have good attendance, talk with your teachers about your progress, take advantage of extracurricular opportunities, get involved with clubs and teams.
These exams are required for college admissions. Scoring well is important and can affect your college options and scholarship opportunities.
What are college admissions tests: ACT/SAT You can improve your ACT/SAT scores by taking a preparatory class offered by Youth Education at the U! These classes generally boost ACT scores by 4 points.
These are just some of the things to look forward to in college.
What are interesting classes, student involvement, living on campus, choosing your major and career path.
These are great ways to help pay for college.
What is FAFSA, Scholarships, Pell Grants, student jobs/work study, student leadership positions with stipends, etc.
These activities motivate you and get you excited. They also are part of what makes you unique and can help you be an attractive candidate for college admissions or scholarships.
What are your skills, talents, hobbies passions, or interests? In 8th grade find something you like to do or are good at and DO IT! This will help you to find what you love and possibly a career.
These are the extra curricular activities you may want to get involved with in High School. By engaging in these opportunities you develop important skills, explore your interests, and maybe even get money for college. Besides they are a lot of fun!These are simple but effective ways to ensure high school success.
What is FCCLA, National Honor Society, Student government, Sports, Debate Team,Theater, Student Clubs, FIRST robotics/technology, etc. (FCCLA= Family Career Community Leaders of America)
These are public schools that Utah residents pay in-state tuition to attend.
What are the U of U, Salt Lake Community College, Weber State University, Utah State University, College of Eastern Utah, Snow College, Southern Utah University, Dixie State College?
This is one goal that I want to accomplish in high school
What is ...
These are two careers that you are interested in pursuing or learning more about.
What is Doctor, Elementary Teacher, Engineer, Social Worker, Entrepreneur (for example).