School Types
School Characteristics
Admissions 101
Financial Aid
Schools 101
A post secondary institution that is not supported by taxes/government.
What is a private school?
An academic period of a period of about 16 weeks. Two of these make up an academic year.
What is a semester?
A process by which colleges review and make decisions about applications as they are received. The application cycle usually opens in the early fall and may extend into the spring or until the freshman class is filled.
What is rolling admissions?
Money that needs to be repaid with interest.
What is a loan?
The Maine post-secondary institution with the lowest acceptance rate?
What is Bowdoin College?(15%)
An academic program that includes the sciences, social sciences, languages, arts, and mathematics, versus professional or vocational programs that focus on training for specific careers such as engineering, business, and nursing.
What is the liberal arts?
A set of required courses that give undergraduates a background in all major academic disciplines: natural sciences, social sciences, mathematics, literature and language, and fine arts.
What is general education requirements?
The practice of only considering an applicant's standardized test scores IF submitted?
What is SAT optional admission requirement?
A financial aid award that does not need to be repaid or earned through work.
What is a grant? (also Gift Aid or Scholarship)
The rural Maine post-secondary institution known as "America's Environmental College".
What is Unity College?
The joining of several colleges and universities within close geographical proximity to share resources.
What is a consortium?
An academic calendar period of about 3 weeks, where students study one course at a time, full time, usually occurring between the first and second semester.
What is a short term/Jan/Winter plan?
When you meet the admission requirements, but the college has already accepted the number of applicants it has room for. If a spot becomes available later on, you may be offered a place.
What is early waitlist?
Financial aid given on the basis of merit, not financial need.
What is merit aid?
The only post secondary institution in Maine that has a medical school.
What is the University of New England?
A post secondary institution that offers vocational/technical programs and associates degrees.
What is community college?
A program of study that normally requires the first 4 years of undergraduate study at an institution and an additional year of study in order to attain a master's degree.
What is a 4+1 program?
An application process that typically allows a student to apply by November 1 or November 15 and receive a decision by December 15 that does not bind the student to attend if admitted.
What is Early Action?
The difference between the cost of attendance and the financial aid award.
What is gap?
Maine's largest public university.
What is University of Maine-Orono?(12,000)
A educational program or school where work experience (which are paid and set up as sequential, ongoing experiences) is integrated into the academic curriculum.
What is cooperative (co-op) education?
A type of college where the majority of the students leave campus for the weekend and return on Sunday evening/Monday morning.
What is a Suitcase College?
An application process that typically allows a student to apply by November 1 or November 15 and receive a decision by December 15 that commits the student to attend if admitted.
What is Early Decision?
A component of need-based financial aid in which the student works part-time; a campus or other job that is supported by government or institutional funding.
What is work-study?
Maine's largest Community College.
What is Southern Maine Community College?(8,000)