College Vocabulary
College Life
Careers related to building/homes
School Subjects-Career
Misc. Careers

What is a college application?

This is a document you must complete in order to be considered for acceptance into a college.


When you earn a Bachelor's degree that means that you studied for 2, 4, or 6 years?

4 years typically.


This person puts electrical wiring, lighting, and electrical outlets in homes or other buildings.  A person in this career typically works for about 4 years as an apprentice to learn their trade on the job under an experienced professional.



List 2 careers that relate to strong math skills

architect, math teacher, scientist, accountant, many others


A person who works at a professional football game. They watch players to make sure they don't break any rules. They often have 4-5 years of college education.



What is Financial Aid?

Financial Aid is assistance that you receive to help pay for college.


While you are in college, are you allowed to change your major?



This person is in charge of construction projects.  The organize the workers, when certain parts of the job get done, and prepare contract bids for jobs.  People in this career have often had a 3 year apprenticeship, more years of job experience, and also may have a college degree.

Building Contractor


List 2 careers that require strong language arts skills.

writer, editor, journalist, researcher, professor, lawyer, and many others.


A person who directs air traffic and tells planes when to take off and when to land. This person must be alert at all times. This person typically has 4-5 years of college education.

Air Traffic Controller


What are college dorms?

Dorms are rooms that you live in on a college campus.


If you earn a Master's Degree, how many years did you study in college?

In order to earn a Master's Degree, you will attend college for a minimum of 5-6 years total.


This person helps people to buy and sell homes/buildings or property.  This person has strong interpersonal skills and often works nights, and weekends.  This career requires a short term class and license which is obtained by passing a written test.

Real Estate Agent.


List two careers that require strong science skills.

Astronaut, geologist, doctor, nurse, paramedic, and many more.


A person who cares for trees by seeing they grow properly. This person can also check a tree to see if it is healthy or diseased. This job typically requires a college degree.



What are extra curricular activities?

Extra Curricular activities are things you can do other than your classes.  Some examples are sports, clubs like newspaper, being a DJ on the college radio station, community service groups, etc.


If you graduate from High School in New Hampshire, are you allowed to attend college in another state?



This person designs the plans for the structure of a building or home.  They have strong math skills, are creative and need to communicate well with others.  This career requires a minimum of a bachelors degree.



List 2 careers that require strong Social Studies knowledge.

Historian, Anthropologist, Politician, activist.


A person who speaks into a microphone on the radio or at parties and weddings. This person must have a good speaking voice and know a lot about music. people with this career may have a high school diploma or a college degree.

Disc Jockey


What is a college major?

A college major is the main subject area that you are studying.  


what are three types of degrees that you can earn at college?

Associate's, Bachelor's, Graduate, Masters, doctoral, C.A.G.S


These people 

  • Design, promote, or administer government plans or policies affecting land use, zoning, public utilities, community facilities, housing, or transportation.
  • this job requires a Bachelor's or Master's Degree

Urban and Regional Planner

Town planner

community development planner


List 3 "soft skills" that employers are looking when hiring for ANY job.

Punctuality, ability to get along well with others, strong communication skills, hard working, trustworthy, and many more.


A person who works for a business to keep track of the money that is made and spent. This person is responsible to let the business know if they are making profit or losing money.

