College Lingo
College $$$
Career Readiness
Launch U
College Hodge Podge

Your main course of study is?

What is Major.


The amount the college/university is charging you for your classes

What is Tuition.


What is an informational interview and how can it benefit your career exploration?

 What is a meeting with a professional in the filed of interest to ask questions and gather information about the industry and their career path. 


Who should a Launch you student reach out to if they are going to be absent or late?

Who is your professor AND Launch U Mentor.


Name an important thing you need to have ready for the admission process?

What are college applications, college essay, entrance exam scores, test scores, FAFSA, letters of recommendation and transcripts.


A secondary course of study (usually 15 - 18 credits) that often complements a students major.

What is a Minor or Concentration.


Something students fill out to receive federal financial aid for college

 What is FAFSA.


Name 3 soft skills that are important in the workplace.

What is teamwork, communication, problem-solving, adaptability, reliability, honesty, organization, time-management, etc. 


What are two reasons I should have my computer and/or phone put away during class? (non classwork)

What is to show my professor I care and I am paying attention and it will benefit my grade and learning. 


A "record" of a student's academic progress, including all courses taken, grades, completion for each course, and GPA.

What is a transcript.


A student who takes 12 or more credits per semester

What is a full-time student.

(Daily Double... Define part-time student)


What type of financial aid does not nee to be repaid?  Name 2. 

What are grants and scholarships.


Building relationships with professionals, which can lead to job opportunities, mentorship, and valuable industry insights is? 

What is networking.


If you are struggling in a class, name 2 ways you can get support.

Talk with your professor, utilize GRCC Tutoring, create a study group with some friends, reach out to your LU mentor.


How many hours of in person school is each Credit?

What is 1 hour.


What is something your professor will give you to explain assignments, expectations, grading systems, textbooks, and class policies?

What is a Syllabus.


Classes required by colleges in subjects from  English, Math, Natural Sciences, Humanities, and Social Science categories.

What are General Education Courses or Gen Eds.


How can volunteering enhance your career readiness? 

What is by providing valuable experience, further developing skills and expanding professional networks, all of which can improve employability. 


If you have to be absent on a CCR Friday, what can you do to make up the hours?  

A college campus visit, an informational interview, a job shadow, or complete an asynchronous google form.


How many hours should you spend outside the class per week on coursework per credit hour? 

What is 2-3 hours.


Someone who helps you plan your classes and connects you with resources on campus as needed?

What is an Advisor.

A way for students to earn money to pay for school through part-time on-campus jobs.  
What is Work-Study.


Students should do this to gain insight into a specific profession by observing a professional at work.  This helps students to understand day-to-day responsibilities and make informed career decisions. 

What is a Sob Shadow.


What are CCR Fridays and how many total hours do you need to complete the program?

What is College and Career Readiness and 70 hours.


At a university, how many credit hours do you need to graduate with a bachelor's degree?

What is 120 credits.


A required class or course that has to be taken before you can enter a certain class.

What is a Pre-requisite.


How do you apply for Work-Study?

What is FAFSA.


What is an elevator pitch?

What is a brief persuasive speech to effectively communicate key information about what you do or what you are proposing. It includes and introduction of yourself and the value you add. It is commonly used in interviews for jobs and scholarships.  


What do you have to report weekly to your Launch U mentor?

Your grades, challenges you are having, or support you may need.  A google form will be sent to your email weekly, you Must complete it. 


What is the GR Foundation Scholarship?

What is a one-stop shop for more than 80 need based scholarship funds.
