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Rachel Scott
Fun Facts

What are the three things you have to do in this class right when you walk in the door?

1. Sit down/stay seated 

2. Work on homework/read

3. Stay quiet


A bag of cereal weighs 16 ounces. It costs $4. What is the unit price per ounce?

The unit price is 25 cents.


Who was Rachel Scott?

Rachel Scott was a highschool girl that died in a school shooting. She inspired many people by her forgiveness, mercy, and compassion. She saw good in all.


What is the purpose of this college and career class?

To learn about the different opportunities for careers and to learn the method to reach personal success. (other answers may suffice)


What is the name of the cycle in which evaporation, condensation, and precipitation occur?

This cycle is called the water cycle.


What is the definition of success?

Success is not only achievement, but also progress. Each person has their own definition of success.


What is the highest-risk investment type?



Name one characteristic of Rachel.

Honesty, compassionate, kindness, mercy, trustworthiness, inspiring, etc.


Why was Steph Curry able to reach success?

he held himself to a high standard of excellence. he was determined, disciplined, motivated, hard-working, punctilious, and responsible.


What is currently the most populous country?

India is currently the most populous country in the world.


Name two parts of "my brand".

My brand is my slogan, my morals, and my logo.


Why is it important to use credit cards wisely?

You have to pay credit card bills at the end of the month, and if you don't pay the appropriate amount, your credit score will drop and you will gain insurance on your money.

How many tears were in Rachel Scott's 'eye roses' drawing? (same amount as the people that died in the shooting)

There were 13 open tears in Rachel's drawing.

What is the difference between interest and skill in regards to possible career pathways?

Interest is something you enjoy doing, skill is something you are good at doing, and your ideal career pathway should be a mix of both.


What is the hardest substance in the human body?

The hardest substance in the human body is the enamel in our teeth.


“Don't let your character change color with your environment. Find out who you are and let it stay it's true color.”  

What is the meaning of this quote?

This quote means to stay true to yourself. Your career is YOUR decision. Get advice from people. but don't let them dictate who you will be.


What is the name of giving up one thing to make a different decision, like a trade off.

It is called the opportunity cost.


What did Rachel Scott write her essay about before she was kiled?

She wrote about her ethics and her morals in life.


Why is the esports industry a possible job option for many people?

There are many job opening and types of jobs. For example, there need to be recruiters, software developers, gamers, coders, and more.


What is the name of the first written language?

The name of the first written language is Sumerian.


"College has given me the confidence I need to fail." 

What is the main idea of this quote?

The main idea of this quote is that it is okay to fail. I need to acknowledge the fact that I will fail.


Is $9 an hour a person's salary, biweekly pay, loan, wage, or investment?

$9 an hour is a person's wage.


What is the name of Rachel Scott's school?

Columnbine High School


Name at least 2 aspects of job professionalism.

Grooming, hygiene, arriving to work on time (punctuality), responsibility, and team-working skills.


What is the space between your eyebrows called?

The space between your eyebrows is called the glabella.
