College Vocabulary
Which Careers
College Life
Career Types
Mystery Questions

What is a college "application?"

A. Your driver's license test 

B. Your high school transcript 

C. A document or series of documents you must complete to see if you will be accepted into a college

C. A document or series of documents you must complete to see if you will be accepted into a college.


If you are an economist, or study economics, then you are mostly studying what?

A. Real Estate

B. Money/Finances

C. Architecture 

B. Money, Wealth, Finances


How many colleges & universities do you think are in Pennsylvania? 

A. 75

B. 50 

C. Over 100?

There are over 100 colleges & universities in Pennsylvania. 164 Pennsylvania Four Year Colleges and Universities from our extensive database of 388 Pennsylvania Colleges, Community Colleges, and Trade Schools. 


If you make new styles of clothes then you studied:

A. Fashion Design

B. Education

C. English 

A. Fashion Design


Did all teachers at Main Street Elementary School go to college?  

Yes.  In order to earn a degree teaching young people, in the state of Pennsylvania you must attend college to earn your bachelor's degree.  


What is a college "major?"

A. A room in a college you spend time in

B. This is the subject you study in college

C. Situation that is a big deal 

This is the subject or related to the subjects you study in college.


If your job is to design and make buildings then you studied:

A. Architecture

B. Fashion 

C. Biology

A. Architecture


What is a professor? 

A. Member of a jury 

B. High school principal 

C. Teacher at a college or university

C. A teacher at a college or university


If you learned how to use science and technology to build machines, engines, and other structures, then you studied:

A. Engineering

B. Accounting

C. Law 

A. Engineering 


This is the term for money that is given to a students to help pay for college that does not have to be repaid? 

A. Scholarship

B. Loan

C. Allowance 

A. Scholarship 


What are college "dorms?"

A. The cafeteria for students to eat their meals 

B. Building where students can live when they go to college

C. The bookstore to purchase textbooks

B. Building where students can live when they go to college.


If you design apps for the iPhone or Galaxy 6, then you probably studied:

A. Marketing

B. Accounting

C. Computer Programming 

C. Computer Programming


When you finish you Bachelor's Degree in college, that means you studied for how many years? 

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

B. Bachelor's Degree is 4 years of college.


If you performed in plays and studied how to act then your college major was:

A. Criminal Justice

B. Theater

C. Art

B. Theater


Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to attend college in the United States? 

Yes or No?

No, you do not have to be a U.S. citizen to attend college in the United States. 


What does it mean to "Study Abroad "? 

A. Eating food from another country

B. The ability to study in another country while you are in college.

C. Playing a sport in another country 

B. The ability to study in another country while you are in college.


If you use science to gather evidence and information that can be used in courts for criminal trials then you studied:

A. Forensic Science

B. Engineering

C. Social Worker

A. Forensic Science


While you are in college, are you allowed to change your major, or area of study? 

Yes or No.

Yes, you are allowed to change your major during your time in college. 


If you studied in school the justice system to understand how to keep citizens safe, then your college major was:

A. Psychology 

B. Criminal Justice

C. Business 

B. Criminal Justice 


What is Main Street's Mascot?

The Tiger


What is a Grade Point Average (GPA)?  

A. Your lunch order

B. Your college degree

C. The average of your grades combined 

C. The average of your grades combined


If you scientifically studied the human mind and how this affects people's behaviors, then in college your major was:

A. Mechanic

B. Psychology 

C. Criminal Justice 

B. Psychology


If you earned a Master's Degree, then how many years did you study in college?

A. 4 years

B. 6 years

C. 8 years

For a Master's Degree typically you studied for 6 years, 4 years in undergraduate and 2 years for your master's degree.


To become a lawyer, how many years of college study do you need?

A. 4 years

B. 7 years

C. 10 years 

A lawyer needs to complete 7 years of college education, 4 years of undergraduate and 3 years pf law school.


If you graduate from high school in Pennsylvania, are you allowed to go to college in another state? 

Yes or No?

Yes, you can attend college in any of the 50 states as long as a college in that state accepts you as a student.
