How many colleges & universities are in Tennessee? 25, 50, 100, or over 100?
There are over 100 colleges & universities in Tennessee! These include public and private.
Did all the teachers at Sale Creek go to college in Tennessee? Yes or No?
No, many teachers at Sale Creek went to college in other states including New York, Georgia, Virginia, Mississippi, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Before Dr. Welch was a Principal & Assistant Principal at Sale Creek, what was her job?
School Counselor
If you design apps for smartphones, then you probably studied:
Computer Programming
How many class credits (passed classes) do you need to graduate from high school in Tennessee?
23 credits
If you graduate from high school in Tennessee, are you allowed to go to college in another state? Yes or No?
Yes, you can attend college in anywhere as long as you meet that school's admission requirements (GPA, ACT score, service hours...).