College Vocabulary
Career Vocabulary
College Life
Career Types
Mystery Questions
What is a college "application?"
This is a document or series of documents you must complete to see if you will be accepted into a college.

What is a technical degree?

A technical degree is a program that provides students with the knowledge and skills to pursue technical careers. Technical degrees can cover a variety of topics, including:

Engineering, Computer science, Information technology, Medical sciences, Construction work, and Electrical maintenance.


How many colleges & universities do you think are in the state of Iowa? 20, 60, 80, or over 100?

There are 60 colleges & universities in the state of Iowa. 


How many years of training does it take to be a nurse, and how much money do they typically make? 

Depends on type of nurse!

LPN (certificate program) $54,000 

RN (associates or bachelors degree, 2-4 years) $62,000

variety of other types: Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Midwife, Nurse Anesthetist, etc. 


What is the current minimum wage in Iowa? 

$7.25 per hour

What is a college "major?" Bonus points-when do you have to typically 'declare' a major?
This is the subject or related to the subjects you study in college. Bonus: Junior year!

If your job is to design and make buildings then you studied:

Architect - Architecture/Building trades

All colleges & universities in the United States are private schools. Is this true? Yes or No. Bonus: A private college is owned by whom? How does this differ from a public school?
No - There are both private & public colleges and universities in the United States. Bonus: A private college is owned by a corporation or board (business). A public college is owned by the state.
If you learned how to use science and technology to build machines, engines, and other structures, then you studied:

At my high school, I can take college classes in my junior and senior years from this local college  

North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC)

What are college "dorms?"
This is a building/residence or place where students can live when they go to college.
If you design apps for the iPhone or Galaxy 6, then you probably studied:
Computer Programming

When you finish your Bachelor's Degree in college, that means you studied for how many years? 2, 4, or 6?

A Bachelor's Degree is 4 years of college.


How much training or education is required to be a certified welder? 

Typically 8-12 weeks of training through a community college or trade school 


What is the cost to attend a typical Iowa public college for one year?


What are "extracurricular activities?"
These are other activities you can do other than your classes, such as playing a sport, being part of a club, and etc.
If you use science to gather evidence and information that can be used in courts for criminal trials then you studied:
Forensic Science
While you are in college, are you allowed to change your major, or area of study? Yes or No. Bonus: How many times does the average student change a major?
Yes, you are allowed to change your major during your time in college. Bonus: 2-3 times!
How many years of college and study do you need to become a doctor?
To become a doctor you need to study anywhere between 11-16 years, including 4 years of college, and 4 years in medical school.

What is the minimum class credits do you need to graduate from high school in Iowa?

26 credits


What is "financial aid?" Bonus: What type of aid is a Scholarship or a Grant?

Financial aid is money you may receive from the government to help you pay for college. Bonus: Free money that doesn't typically have to be paid back!

If you scientifically studied the human mind and how this affects people's behaviors, then in college your major was:
If you earned a Master's Degree, then how many years did you study in college?
For a Master's Degree you studied at least 5-6 years in college.
To become a lawyer, how many years of college study do you need?
A lawyer needs to complete 7 years of college education, including their Master's Degree.

If you graduate from high school in Iowa, are you allowed to go to college in another state? Yes or No? What about another country?

Yes, you can attend college in any of the 50 states or another country as long as a college in that state accepts you as a student. You may have to pay a higher out of state tuition cost.
