I spend my days putting together people's food orders and counting change. I make $13/hr.
General Employee at a fast food restaurant
I spend my days chasing after kids and trying to make them do what I tell them. I'm not in charge of them, but I help the person who is! I make $12-17/hr.
Assistant Pre School Teacher
I work with the things that energize peoples' homes. I make $13-30/hr.
I spend my days trying to think of ways to get people to buy insurance and then taking the best ways and making them happen. I make $25 / hour, but I'm salaried.
Marketing Associate
I help college students plan out their studies and make sure they are on track. I make $26/hr.
College Counselor
I work with a specific type of animal from 10am-4pm every day. I spend the whole time on my feet and make $13/hr.
Dog Walker
I spend my days telling strangers where to sit and what they can expect during their dining experience. I make $12/hr.
Restaurant Host
I install locks and cameras into peoples' homes and help them troubleshoot problems that come up with their security systems.
Locksmith Technician
I spend my days helping teenagers learn how to solve complicated problems. I make $25-35/hour
I spend my days explaining how complicated medicines work to people who invested money in the medicine I make. I make $60/hr.
Medical Science Liason
I talk to people and operate heavy machinery all day. I get paid an average of $16/hr, but it varies. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Uber Driver
I spend my days greeting people and doing administrative work. I also rent out gym equipment. I make $14/hr.
Desk Receptionist at a Gym
I spend my days helping someone who makes your smile look awesome. I make $15-20/hr.
Dental Assistant
I spend my days helping really smart people from far away places learn how to communicate in a new context. I make $15-35/hr.
College-level ESL instructor.
I spend my days figuring out what my company has to do to make a lot of money. I mostly use math and statistics. I make $40+/hr.
Quantitative Trader
I operate really heavy machinery and lift heavy things all day. I need to be technically precise and really careful. I make $17/hr.
Construction Worker
I spend my days taking pictures of strangers and trying to convince them to buy them. I make $12/hr.
Souvenir Photographer at the Shedd Aquarium
I spend my days painting other people. I make $12-68/hr. depending on where I work and how good I am at my job.
Nail Technician
I spend my days planning out the details of future structures. I make $25-35/hr.
I spend my days doing research and meeting with large groups of 18-22 year olds. I tell them how the world works and they tell me what I told them back. I make $60/hr.
College Professor
I spend my days in other peoples' houses. I am on my feet all day. I make $13-15/hr.
House Cleaner
I spend my days scheduling employees and making sure things (and people) are running smoothly. I get paid a base salary of $25/hr., but I make more money if more people buy memberships.
Fitness Center Manager
I spend my days helping people who help other people take care of people. I make $8-18/hr.
Nursing Assistant (CNA)
I spend my days changing designs other people have made so they work better and my company can make more money. I make $20-30/hr.
I supervise a lot of social workers and therapists and support them in whatever way I can. I make $20-30/hr.
Clinical Coordinator