Campus Survival Guide
Procrastination Station
Know Your Campus
Late Night Munchies

This essential item is your ticket to every meal, event, and building on campus. Lose it, and you might starve.

What is a student ID card?


This popular website claims to help you "watch just one video," but three hours later, you know everything about otters building dams.

What is YouTube?


If you need to check your grades, manage your classes, and find out if your financial aid is still intact, where's the magical portal that combines all your academic and financial woes into one convenient and slightly intimidating digital dashboard?

What is "Campus Solutions"?


What's the place on campus where the line is so long that you could probably graduate before you reach the counter, but the promise of delicious chicken nuggets makes it all worth it?

What is Chick-fil-A?


The unofficial rule of dorm laundry rooms: Leave your clothes in the washer too long, and this is what you'll find when you return.

What is your wet laundry on the floor?


This phrase, often muttered around finals week, is usually followed by a frantic Google search for "How to study a semester's worth of material in one night."

What is "I should have started this earlier"?


When you're in desperate need of contacting your advisor or figuring out which major requirements you've somehow overlooked, where do you go to find this crucial information without having to navigate a labyrinth of digital tabs and links?

What is college canvas page?


When you hear someone yell "FREE FOOD!" in the student union, you should do this to ensure you don't miss out.

What is run, don't walk?


This essential hygiene product is your secret weapon against back-to-back classes, crowded elevators, and the unforgiving Florida heat. Don't be the one who forgets it!

What is deodorant?


This academic maneuver involves completing a week's worth of assignments in one intense night fueled by caffeine, stress, and regret.

What is cramming?


When you're wondering if you've got enough meal plan swipes left to survive the rest of the week or if you'll be living off ramen and regret, where's the best place to check your remaining meal plan balance without risking a surprise starvation crisis?

What is wallet on Ernie homepage?


This is what happens when you leave food in your dorm fridge for too long and it evolves into a science experiment you're afraid to open.

What is "mystery leftovers"?


Your 8 a.m. class is all the way across campus, and your alarm didn't go off. What's the fastest way to make it on time?

What is a skateboard or sprinting like your GPA depends on it?


This tactic involves convincing your friends to explain everything you missed while "totally paying attention" in class. It's half therapy session, half snack exchange, and 100% your best chance of passing that brutal exam.

What is a group study session?


When you need to determine if your professor's latest email is about an urgent assignment or just another reminder about the campus dog show, where should you go to sift through your emails and avoid getting lost in the chaos?

What is Outlook?


When you're deep into an all-night study session and your stomach starts sounding like a growling bear, what's your best bet for finding something to munch on without leaving your cozy study spot?

What is Starship late night?


When you find yourself in the unfortunate position of needing to get back to your dorm at 2 a.m., and the only thing standing between you and your bed is a dark campus, what’s the best service to call that ensures you’ll make it back safely—and maybe even feel like you’re on a late-night adventure?

What is "night flight"?


This advanced procrastination strategy involves meticulously organizing your study materials, creating detailed study plans, and color-coding everything—while completely avoiding the actual studying part. It's like building the perfect house of cards, only to realize you never started the foundation.

What is gaslighting yourself?


When you've decided it's time to join the most obscure club on campus, create your own quirky club, or sign up for that event you'll probably never attend, where's the ultimate place to make it all happen without accidentally joining the wrong group (like the "Underwater Basket Weavers")?

What is Campus Groups?


When you're craving a meal that's as unique and carefully crafted as your latest engineering project, and you need to find the Flight Cafe where you can satisfy those cravings while indulging in some flight-themed ambiance, where you head on campus?

What is the Flight Ops Building?
