Your main course of study in College
A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university
What type of degree do you usually obtain at a technical or community college?
Associates degree
True or False: More boys go to college than girls?
What was the original name of University of Nebraska Omaha?
Omaha Presbyterian Theological Seminary
A secondary set of courses that often complements your major
Something students fill out to receive financial aid for college
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
What type of degree can you obtain at a university?
Bachelors, masters, doctorate
When you go to a different country to study
Study abroad
What are the three important things to have in a college class?
Syllabus, something to take notes, and positive attitude
Difference between a full-time and part-time student
Full-time student takes 12+ credits, while part-time students take less than 12 credits
Money for school that does not need to be paid back
Scholarship or grant
Name a difference between public and private universities?
Cost, how they are funded, often the size
Different social groups who come together to share common interests, often live together, and and hangout often
Sororities and fraternities
Who is the current President of University of Nebraska -Omaha?
Jeffrey P. Gold
Something your professor will give you to explain assignments, expectations, grading systems, textbooks, and class policies
What are the two types of federal student loans and the difference between those two types?
Subsidized and unsubsidized. Subsidized does not start accruing interest while you're in college, unsibsidized does.
How many public universities are in Nebraska?
Where can you go to look for scholarship opportunities?
Online searches, school counselor, university website, local businesses
How many graduate programs does UNO have?
Someone who helps you plan your classes and connects you with resources on campus
Academic Adviser
Name the four main types of financial aid for students
Grants, scholarship, work study, student loans
How many private universities are in Nebraska?
The person who creates a comfortable, safe, and supportive atmosphere for residents in student housing. (hint: resident...)
Resident Assistant
What is the average amount of years most students spend in college?
About 2-6 years