These are 4 types of financial aid
scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study
True or false: All the counselors on the college counseling team have a dog
What is the online application form used by several colleges & universities?
Common App
How many semesters are in a traditional college/university
Which additional materials do you send in with your college application, not including your transcripts
essay, resume, letter of recommendation
Which type of financial aid (on fafsa) is based on financial need
What is Ms. Ancira's dogs name?
Canela <3
What grades are included within your initial transcript
Freshmen-Junior year
This type of university is not owned by the state
Which 2 staff members use to be a college counselor but is now in a different department
Ms. Soma & Ms. Gutierrez
What does the SAI mean?
Student Aid Index
Which country did Mr. Vazquez study abroad?
What does test optional mean
Having the choice to submit their ACT/SAT scores or not
A minimum of how many credits do you need to complete a Bachelor's Degree
How do you follow up after an interview
Via email
true or False: You need to complete your FAFSA every year in college?
Which counselor majored in psychology
Ms. Rios
What is rolling admissions
When a student can be accepted up to the starting date of classes
What degree is not required to advance to the next level degree
When you fill our your FAFSA next year, which tax year will you need to complete it
How is your SAI calculated?
By utilizing the parents tax information
Which counselor wanted to be a history teacher but ended up on the college counseling team?
Mr. Hernandez
What does "resident of a state" mean
When you moved to the state
In what order are degrees obtained, begin with Associates.
What time is it?