How many kids does Jordan have?
What is three?
What is the forbidden post college group dinner place?
What is the Habit?
What did God create on the fourth day?
How many Avengers appeared in their debut film?
Who is most prone to drowning at College Retreat?
Who is Ariana Acevedo?
Something Jordan will not eat.
What is lettuce?
Who used urinal etiquette as a sermon illustration?
Who is Joseph Gibbs?
Who did Nebuchadnezzar send into the fiery furnace?
Who is Shadrach, Mechach, and Abednego?
Where did the McCallister family vacation in the first Home Alone film?
Where is Paris, France?
Who is the longest lasting member of College Group?
Who is Daniel Ludwig?
What is Nerd Gummy Clusters?
Who won the chicken fight battle at College Retreat?
Who is Isaac and Ryan?
How many little boys did Elisha have killed by two she-bears?
What is 42?
Which Marvel film did the director of the new Superman previously Direct?
Which College Group Student went on a recent missions trip?
Who is Hannah Fonda?
What is "And things like that"
What is a party that one does not want to be apart of?
What is the circumcision party?
How many languages is the Bible originally written in?
What is three?
What two films did Stephen Speilberg direct simultaneously in 1993
What is Jurassic Park and Schindlers's List?
Who helps Peyton set up tech early?
Who is Grant Parman?
How long has Antoine the trophy toad been a member of College Group
Who was the scribe that hand wrote the book of Galatians?
Who is the Apostle Paul?
What is the most recent Best Picture Oscar winner?
What is Oppenheimer
Who drinks the most Coffee from the College Group cart?
Who is Walter Euceda?