Number of students projected to attend college (fall 2018)
What is 19.9 million students
The amount of time it takes to get an Associate's Degree.
What is 2 years?
Take extra-curricular classes in high school.
What is you should?
The best template/strategy for notes
What is Cornell Notes?
To put off doing something
What is procrastination
Percent of people in public colleges that live on campus
What is 40%
The amount of time it takes to get a Bachelor's degree.
What is 4-5 years?
You should get your parents or neighbors to write your recommendation letters
What is No
The number of breaks should you take in a two-hour study session.
What are 4-6 hours?
The percentage of everyday people (not college students) that procrastinate chronically.
What is 20%
The average income of a college student
What is $7,500 to $42,000 per year
The amount of time it takes to get a master's degree.
What is 1.5-2 years plus an undergraduate degree?
Challenging yourself in the classroom and by taking classes that challenge you helps with...
What is Building your academic strengths?
Studying in your bed is a good Idea
What is No
These are possible solutions to procrastination
What is time management and planning skills
Percent of college students who illegally drink
What is 59%
The amount of time it takes to get a doctoral degree.
What is 8-10 years?
The easiest way to get admission officers to deny your application.
what is having questionable stuff on your social media?
Showing up to class and doing your work helps...
What is lay the groundwork?
These are results of procrastination
What is loss of sleep, poor grades and/or abandonment of extracurricular activities
The average cost of living for a college student
What is $11,000 to $17,000 per year
The amount of time it takes to get a professional degree.
What is 10-15 years?
Showing up to college campus extensively a good way to show admissions your loyalty.
What is Yes?
The number of weeks before finals should you use to study are...
What are 2-3 weeks?
The average percent of college students that procrastinate
What is 25 to 75 percent