Make the Grade
Money Moves
Getting In
Squad Goals
Get Schooled

Q: True or false: In college, everyone takes the same classes, and you don’t have much freedom in what classes you take.

A: False! At almost every college, you have lots of freedom in what classes you take.


Q: True or false: Everyone who goes to college pays thousands of dollars per year.

A: False! There are many ways to make college affordable, such as financial aid, academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, and more!


Q: When do you start applying for college?

Usually in the fall of your senior year of high school


Name three types of extracurricular activities that college kids do.

Possible answers: sports team, job, fraternity/sorority, theater/music ensemble, religious organization, hobby group


Q: True or False: To get your degree, you have to take all of your classes on the campus of the school you go to.

False! At many schools, you can study abroad in another city or country, and take classes at another school for credits at your school.


True or False: Classes always end with a final exam.

A: False! Some classes will use essays or projects to assess your learning, while others will use exams.


Q: Which college applicants should check to see if they’re eligible for financial aid?

a) Students who know they’re definitely eligible

b) Students who are experts on the financial aid system

c) Athletes

d) Everyone

d) Everyone!


Name three components of a college application:

Possible answers: grades, GPA, standardized tests, extracurricular involvements, essays


Q: What is the Boston College mascot?

a) Orioles

b) Vultures

c) Cardinals

d) Eagles

d) Eagles


Q: Which of the following colleges is NOT on the East Coast?

a) Northeastern University

b) Spelman College

c) University of Maryland

d) Gonzaga University

d) Gonzaga University! Gonzaga is located in Spokane, Washington.


Q: At most colleges, you get to choose a main focus for yourself from a huge list of subjects. What is this main focus called?

A: Your major. At many schools, you can have more than one major, and you can also choose a secondary focus area called a minor!


Q: Which two organizations provide free tuition scholarships for students from low-income families?

a) QuestBridge

b) Fulbright

c) Posse

d) Americorps

a) QuestBridge and c) Posse


Q: Which of the following can help you get into college?

a) Performing in a school production

b) Getting positive teacher recommendations

c) Being involved in your community

d) All of the above

d) All of the above!


Q: Which of the following is not a real college sport?

a) Quidditch

b) Ultimate frisbee

c) Fencing

d) Synchronized walking

 d) Synchronized walking


Q: Which college beneath is an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)?

a) Morehouse College

b) University of Pittsburgh

c) Clemson University

d) Haverford College

a) Morehouse College


Q: Which of the following are examples of social science majors at most schools?

a) Psychology

b) Public policy

c) Sociology

d) All of the above

d) All of the above!


Q: Name three types of financial aid students can receive.

Possible answers: loan, financial need grant, merit grant, athletic scholarship, in-state tuition, scholarships


Q: True or false: You always need to immediately decide your major upon entering college.

A: False! Many colleges and universities allow students to explore for one or two years before they have to declare their major.


Q: Which of the following is not a real college club?

a) Cheese Club

b) French and Australian Movies Club

c) Humans vs Zombies Club

d) Ukulele Tree Climbing Club

b) French and Australian Movies Club. But all of the others are real!


Q: McGill University, Queen’s University, and University of Victoria are all in which country?



Q: Many colleges offer a “track” for students who are interested in being doctors. What is this track called?



Q: Which of the following groups always gets a discount at public colleges?

a) Students who live in the same state as the college

b) Students who are fans of the college’s sports teams

c) Students with high SAT scores

d) Students with the best grades

a) Students who live in the same state as the college


Q: What is the name of the application system that allows you to use one application for lots of different colleges at once?

a) Just One Application

b) U Apply

c) The Common Application

d) Universal Application

c) The Common Application


Q: The Middlebury College Pranksters won the national championship of what in 2019?

a) Ultimate frisbee

b) Chess

c) Birdhouse painting

d) Prank wars

a) Ultimate frisbee


How many colleges are there in the Boston area?

a) 10

b) 23

c) 44

d) 59

c) 44!
