What is the place where students go to eat meals?
What is the dining hall?
What do you call a professor’s meeting hours for extra help?
What are office hours?
What is the person you share your dorm with called?
What is a roommate?
What is a group of students with shared interests called?
What is a club?
What do students wear on their heads at graduation?
What is a graduation cap (or mortarboard)?
What do students use to access buildings(dorms) and pay for meals before attending school events?
What is a student ID card?
What do SJU use to check their grades and assignments online?
Canvas/UIS either answer is fine
What do students sleep on in dorms?
What is a twin XL bed?
What is the event where students perform dances, sing, or act?
What is a showcase?
What is the ceremony where students receive diplomas?
What is graduation (or commencement)?
What do you call the large gathering at the beginning of the school year where students learn about clubs?
What is the club fair?
What is the degree students typically earn after four years?
What is a bachelor's degree?
What’s the shared space where students cook and hang out?
What is a common room?
Anything close is fine
What’s the term for college sports played competitively?
What is varsity sports?
What do students apply for after college to get a job?
What is a résumé?
What’s the name for a student’s main area of study?
Hint "Hey what is your......
What is a major?
What do you call the list of classes a student is taking?
What is a schedule?
What do students need to do when moving out at the end of the year?
Hint: It's 2 words 1st begin with D next
What is the nike sign?
Opposite of in is ..... combine both
What is a dorm checkout?
What is a group of students that help plan events on campus?
What is student government?
What is a higher degree earned after a bachelor's?
What is a master's degree?
What is the term for the period before finals when students study a lot?
What is finals week?
What is the test students take at the end of a semester?
What is a final exam?
What is the person in charge of overseeing dorms?
What is a resident assistant (RA)?
What’s the term for a group of dancers who perform at games and events?
What is a dance team?
What is the speech given by a top student at graduation?
What is a valedictorian speech?