City of STL
Check on Your Savings
Give Yourself Some Credit

This landmark is known as the tallest monument in the western hemisphere.

What is the Gateway Arch


This is a type of account that you can not only have deposits but you can make purchases and withdrawals from.

What is a checking account?


All starting College Kids Savings Accounts start at this amount?

What is $50?


This allows a person to pay for items now with the promise of paying it back later. Remember it is NOT your money.

What is Credit?


This attraction is one of 12 in the nation that is free to the public.

What is the St. Louis Zoo


While not a credit card, this card allows you to make purchases and does not charge you interest.

What is a debit card?


This financial institution houses College Kids Accounts.

What is Alltru Credit Union?


This is added on to a purchase whenever using a credit card or when having a loan.

What is interest?


Made popular in the 1930's this particular cake became a part of St. Louis culture.

What is gooey butter cake?


This is what is earned in various types of savings accounts which you can continue earning so long as you keep saving.

What is interest?


This public figure is know as the first woman City Treasurer who created the College Kids Program.

Who is Mayor Tishaura O. Jones?


In addition to College Kids, this program is offered to parents so that they too can lower their debts, increase their savings, and increase their credit score.

What are Credit & Money Management Workshops?


This St. Louis attraction is known to be the oldest of its kind in the US. Great, if you're a plant lover.

What is the Missouri Botanical Garden?


This is a type of transaction when money is electronically placed into your checking or savings account.

What is a direct deposit?


This incentive is provided to College Kids participants that is usually provided at special events like Family Savings Night.

What are Scholar Dollars?


This is a report that shows a detailed record of all borrowing, payments, late payments, and if there are any collections for not paying.

What is a Credit Report?


This institution to music is one of the oldest of its kind in the United States and has featured great composers like Leonard Slatkin, David Robinson, and Itzhak Perlman.

What is the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra?


This corporation was created in 1933 to protect citizens deposits and restore trust in the American Banking System.

What is the FDIC?


In April of 2021, this public figure became the youngest person to succeed to the office of City Treasurer.

Who is Adam L. Layne?


They are known as Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union and they are responsible for the recording of everyone's credit.

What are Credit Bureaus?
