The College Match Mission
Liberal Arts and Science Colleges
The College Application
College Knowledge
College Research

College Match allows every student this many absences. 

What are 2 absences?


Liberal Arts and Science Colleges are recommended because they have very impressive 4 year _______ as opposed to many large public institutions where it may take longer to graduate. 

What are Graduation Rates?


True or False: I will be using the same application to apply to Cal States, University of California (UCs), and Private Colleges

What is FALSE? You will apply use a different application for each institution. The Common App is the application you'll use for most private liberal arts and science colleges and will learn about the different applications during the College Match Summer Workshops. 


This acronym FGLI stands for what? 

What is First Generation, Low Income?


The first place I should look when researching a college is the college ___________. 

What is the College Website?


I was selected for College Match because I am committed to stepping outside of what? 

What is my comfort zone?


True or False: I can only do academic research at large public institution like a University of California (UC). 

What is FALSE? You can do all forms of academic research at liberal arts and science colleges, sometimes with multiple professors or even abroad! 


This refers to the amount of interaction and interest a student has shown in a particular college or university. 

What is Demonstrated Interest?


Colleges that are this, allow students to decide whether they would like to submit their test scores (like SAT, ACT, or APs) or not. 

What is Test Optional?


This virtual tool was created by College Match Scholars to help HS Juniors and Seniors do very specific research on some of College Match's partner colleges. 

What is the College Match Scroll?


Finish this sentence: College Match's Mission is to get high achieving scholars like yourself into the best ________ with the best _________. 

What are Colleges and Financial Aid?


Private liberal arts and science colleges can often offer better ___________, so even if the price tag is higher, students find they have to pay about the same, or possibly less, out of pocket to attend a private college. 

What is Financial Aid?


True or False: Colleges and Universities use demonstrated interest differently in the admissions process. 

What is TRUE? Some colleges take demonstrated interest very seriously and will factor it in greatly during the admissions process. 


This is a group of highly prestigious private colleges and universities in the United States, known for their academic excellence, rich history, and selective admissions process. 

What are Ivy League colleges? 


The app that can be used to find a directory of current College Match students and alumni who attend or have attended some of your favorite colleges. 

What is CM Connect? 


As a College Match Scholar, I am expected to apply to at least this many Private Liberal Arts and Science Colleges. 

What are 8-10?


Private Liberal Arts and Science Colleges often have small ____________ which make it easier to get to know your peers and professors on a personal level. 

What are Class Sizes?


This guide in your notebook was created by College Match staff to help you conduct research on each college. 

What is the College Fit Research Guide?


The acronym PWI stands for what?

What is Predominantly White Institution?


This large green book is a tool students can use to research the culture and student experience at most top colleges in the nation. 

What is the Fiske Guide?


The man who started College Match 22 years ago. 

Who is Harley Frankel?


True or False: In order to study Engineering or go to Medical School, I must only apply to larger public universities or Ivy League colleges

What is FALSE? You can study engineering or go to medical school at most private liberal arts and science colleges. 

Although many factors are considered, these are the three primary things that application readers are looking at when conducting a holistic review of your college application. 

What are Extracurricular Activities, Academic Rigor, and Your Story?


This type of scholarship is more common at Private Colleges and is given to students based on their grades and academic achievements. 

What is a merit or merit based scholarship? 


An opportunity to get flown out to your favorite colleges (generally for free) to experience campus life before you apply. 

What is a Fly In Program? 
