The science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.
What is Public Health?
The act of making predictions and inferences from data.
What is Data Science?
The number of public health programs there are in St. Louis.
The acroynm HCAM.
What is Healthcare Management and Administration?
The year the program will begin.
What is Fall 2024.
The salary range for public health jobs.
What is 60-100K.
The median wage for data science.
What is $100,910.
The uniqueness of our college.
What is career-ready?
The median salary range for health service managers.
What is $101,340.
The estimated total pay for MPH degree holders.
What is $120,150.
The accreditation body for public health programs.
What is CEPH.
The industrial partners students may engage with.
What is IBM, Microsoft, Amazon.
What is the Central West End.
The concern with the quality of care over time.
What is continuity of care?
The length it will take to complete the degree.