Types of Colleges
Paying for College
College to Career
What's your major?
Advanced Degrees

How long does it normally take to get a Bachelor's degree?

Four years (or more!)


What is room & board?

Extra costs involved with living on-campus: rent, food, activity fees, etc.


How much more likely are you to have a job if you have a Bachelor's degree versus a high school diploma?

Twice as likely! Unemployment is roughly half for people with four-year degrees.


True or False: you must know what you want to study before entering college.



How many years does it take to become a Medical Doctor (MD)?

Between 8 and 12 years!


How many years does it normally take to finish an Associate's degree?

Two years


What is the difference between a loan and a grant?

Grants typically come from the government, based on a student's financial need or background. Scholarships come from many sources and students must apply individually to scholarships.


What is the annual average salary range for lawyers in our area?

$50,000 - $110,000 per year


True or false: "pre-med" and "pre-law" are actual degrees offered by many colleges

False. Pre-med and pre-law are informal terms for students studying specific degrees that will best prepare them for Medical or Law school.


How long is a normal Master's degree?

Two - three years beyond a Bachelor's degree.


This is a category of school that trains students in areas like cosmetology, audio production, mechanical engineering, or culinary arts.

Technical College. Examples: Hennepin Tech, Anoka Tech, etc.


List two expenses associated with college BESIDES tuition.

Examples: books, room & board (housing), parking, technology fees, activity fees, computer & web access, etc. (Not all colleges feature the same extra fees!)


Name three careers that require at least a four-year degree.

A number of different answers may be accepted


What is the most common college major?

Business. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about a fifth (20.5%) of the 1.79 million bachelor's degrees conferred in 2011-2012 were business.

Name two reasons you might want to get a Master's degree someday.

Examples: allows you to teach at certain institutions; allows for better pay; allows for promotions; allows for a deeper exploration of a subject you love; allows you to work toward a Doctorate


These colleges offer the first two years of a liberal arts education, as well as career or vocational training.

What is a community or junior college?


What's the average price of tuition for a public college in the US per year?

About $20,770 per year.


What percentage of the U.S. has at least a 4-year degree?

About 33%


What is the first question you should ask yourself before choosing a major?

What am I passionate about?


High school principals typically have what type of degree?

Most high school principles have a PhD in Education, meaning they are Doctors!


This type of college is generally very large, and includes a liberal arts college, as well as colleges focused on preparation for a specific career. It offers a greater range of academic choices.

What is a university?


What is the FAFSA?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid


What percentage of jobs currently require at least a bachelor's degree?

Bonus question: By 2020, what percentage of jobs in the economy will require post-secondary education and training beyond high school?


Bonus question answer: 65%


What is the difference between a B.A. and a B.S. degree?

B.A. is a Bachelor of Arts and a B.S. is a Bachelor of Science -- the separation has to do with a program's area of focus.


What kind of degree does a lawyer have? (Does it compare to an Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, or Phd?)

Lawyers receive a Juris Doctorate, which is a form of doctoral degree.
