Types of Colleges
Paying for College
Dorm Life
Time Management
Interview Skills
How long does it normally take to get a Bachelor's degree?
Four years (or more!)
What is room & board?
Extra costs involved with living on-campus: rent, food, activity fees, etc.
What are the benefits of living in a dorm?
Great place to meet new people, it's close to all your classes, experience living with a roommate, etc.
Why is it important to know how to manage your time?
It helps you stay less stressed, it allows you to fit in everything you want to do each day (hanging out with friends, studying, attending student organizations), it sets you up for success.
What should you wear to a job interview?
Most commonly dress pants or dress skirt, for guys a shirt and tie and for girls a nice shirt, possibly a blazer or suit coat. Wear something you feel comfortable in!
How many years does it normally take to finish an Associate's degree?
Two years
What is the difference between a grant/loan and a scholarship?
Grants typically come from the government, based on a student's financial need or background. Scholarships come from many sources and students must apply individually to scholarships.
What are some things to do if you are feeling homesick?
Ex: Call a family member or close friend, get involved in student organizations, invite a new friend to eat at the dining hall, etc. Remember that everyone gets homesick, especially freshman year.
Name one good way to study for a test
Ex: Start studying ahead of time, study with other people, say the information out loud, etc.
Name something you should NOT do at an interview.
Use your cellphone, talk negatively about past jobs, appear disinterested, act rude, etc.
How many programs does the University of North Dakota offer?
Over 225 fields of study
List two expenses associated with college BESIDES tuition.
Examples: books, room & board (housing), parking, technology fees, activity fees, computer & web access, etc. (Not all colleges feature the same extra fees!)
What are some ways to be a good roommate?
Examples: Be tidy, be respectful of their belongings, be quiet when they are sleeping, etc.
Fact or myth: College schoolwork requires more effort than high school.
Fact! However, you can be successful if you plan ahead and don't start studying the night before an exam. Studying a little each day is more beneficial
Name three people you could use as a job reference.
Teachers, former supervisors, former coworkers, organizations you've volunteered for, etc.
Fact or myth: You must know what you want to study before entering college.
Fact or myth? It's impossible to have a job while you are in college
Myth! Many jobs are on campus and only require a few hours per week. Part-time jobs through the university are often Work Studies, meaning the payment helps go towards their college expenses.
What is one thing to do if you and your roommate aren't getting along?
Ex: communicate in a friendly way if there is a problem, try to work out a compromise, go to the RA for help if need be, etc.
What's the one important thing that college students often don't get enough of?
Sleep! Make sure you prioritize sleep- it will improve your academics, attitude, and keep you healthy!
What are some examples of good body language in an interview?
Good posture, maintaining eye contact, smiling, etc.
How many students (approximately) attend the University of North Dakota
14,628 students
Fact or myth: Students should spend a lot of time applying for scholarships
Fact! There are thousands of scholarships available to students who apply. You can search for specific scholarships that match your interests, such as hobbies or your major.
Fact or myth: Stick with the people you meet right away, you'll become best friends.
Myth. You'll connect with your roommate and classmates first, and you might become best friends, but there are many more chances in college to meet new people and find ones who share the same interests as you
How can you find the time to stay healthy in college?
Get enough sleep, go to the gym with friends, choose healthy choices at the dining center, keep healthy snacks like fruits and veggies in your dorm room, etc.
What is a good way to end an interview?
Thank the interviewer, shake hands, ask what the next steps are in the hiring process.