Tips & Tricks

Extracurricular activities that enhance college applications.

What is: clubs, sports, volunteer work, music or art groups, and academic competitions.


The importance of maintaining a strong GPA for college applications.

What is very important! A high GPA reflects academic ability, consistency, and dedication. 


Daily habits help you stay organized and focused.

What is using a planner, set daily goals, get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy snacks, and maintain a consistent routine.


When to start researching and visiting colleges.

What is anytime! But it's recommended to visit colleges you're seriously interested in before the end of your junior year of high school or visit colleges you are accepted to by December 1st of your Senior Year when early admission applications are due.


How to use summer breaks to enhance your college applications.

Participate in internships, volunteer work, academic programs, or job shadowing.


This is how extracurricular activities benefit your college application.

What is activities demonstrate your hobbies and interests, skill set, leadership abilities, and commitment. 


Effective study habits to improve academic performance.

What is regular study sessions, active note-taking, reviewing material frequently, and creating your own study groups. 


Can a study schedule improve your academic performance.

What is yes! It ensures regular study times, prevents procrastination, and helps manage workload. 


Key components of a strong college application.

What is high school transcripts (grades), standardized test scores (SATs/ACTs), personal statement/essay, letters of recommendation, and a high school resume with extracurricular activities.


Ways to secure scholarships and financial aid.

What is research and apply for scholarships for the schools you want to attend, complete the FAFSA as soon as it opens, and let people know you are looking for scholarships.


An effective strategy to balance extracurricular activities with schoolwork.

What is use a planner, create a schedule, prioritize tasks, and use time management techniques? 


Where to get help if you're struggling with classwork.

What is ask for help from peers, teachers, tutors, study groups, or online resources. 


Benefits of setting short-term and long-term goals.

What is goals provide direction, motivation, and a way to celebrate successes. 


Make your personal statement/essay stand out.

What is be authentic, share unique experiences, and clearly articulate your goals and passions. And make sure you have a couple people like teachers read it for grammar errors. 


How online resources help with college research and applications.

What is use college search engines, virtual tours, application guides, and forums for student reviews and tips. 


Find extracurricular activities that match your interests.

What is try new things! Explore or create a club, join community organizations, talk to other students, and talk to teachers.


AP or IB courses, and how can they benefit you.

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses are college-level classes that can earn you college credit and demonstrate academic rigor.


Effectively prioritize tasks and responsibilities.

What is use a to-do list, prioritize by deadlines and importance, and break tasks into smaller steps. 


Common mistakes to avoid when applying to colleges.

Missing deadlines, submitting incomplete applications, and not personalizing your application to each college.


Benefits of attending college fairs and information sessions.

What is they provide direct access to college representatives, detailed information about programs, and networking opportunities. And mostly importantly, see if you connect with the environment (campus, people, etc.).


Taking on leadership roles in activities boost your college application how.

What is leadership roles show responsibility, initiative, and the ability to manage and motivate others.


Setting SAT or ACT prep into your academic plan.

Schedule dedicated study time, use prep books or courses and take practice tests online.


Techniques can help you avoid procrastination and stay motivated.

What is break tasks into smaller parts, set deadlines, reward yourself, remove distractions, and reward yourself! 


How to get letters of recommendation.

What is ask teachers that know you well, ask early, explain why you want their recommendation and email them reminders.


Factors should you consider when choosing your major.

What is explore your interests, strengths, career goals, and the job market/salary for your chosen field.
