What does CUNY stand for
What is "City University of New York"
Name the 4 core subjects
What is "English, Math, Science, and Social Studies"
What does SUNY stand for?
WHAT is "State University of New York"
What are "Math, English, Science, Social Studies +1)
What is "The Principal"
What is BCC Stand for?
What is Bronx Community College
What is the name of the staff member that coordinates events for parents.
What is the parent coordinator
Is there 2 year SUNYS
What is the name of the document that shows you the Regents you have taken and the grades
What is a "transcript"
What does CBO stand for?
What is "Community Based Organization"
Do you need your SAT Scores for CUNY
Document that you receive which shows all your high school grades and GPA.
What is a Transcript.
What is "College Essay"
What are the different Social Studies Regents
What is "Global History 1, Global History II, US History, US Government"
What is "East Side House Settlement"
What is the Financial Application you must filled out before going to college?
What do you call activities/clubs that you can be a part of that take place after school
what is "Extracurricular activities"
What is a "Fee Waiver"
Name the different Math Regents
What is " Algebra I, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Geometry"
What does NDA Stand for
What is "Neighborhood Development Areas"
What is "BCC, BMCC, CSI- COLLEGE OF Staten Island, John Jay, Hostos, Hunter, La Guardia, Lehman, City College, Guttman, Queensborough, Medgar Evers
What is 44 Credits
What are the regents requirements for an advance regents diploma?
WHAT IS "English,3 Maths, 1 social studies, 2 sciences, any world language exam +1)
What does LTW Stand For ?