Financial Aid
College Classes
College Life
College Majors
College Degrees
The form you will fill out to get money for college
What is the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Financial Aid)
This type of student usually takes 4 or 5 classes each semester.
What is a full-time student?
This is the place where you live on campus.
What is a residence hall (dorm)?
This is a place you can go to on campus to learn more about yourself and your interests, in order to choose a major.
What is the Career Center?
This is sometimes called a "two-year" degree.
What is an Associate's degree?

A type of Federal aid the government provides for students who need to pay for college

What is a Pell Grant?

These are classes you take to become familiar with a lot of different courses and majors. You usually spend about two years in these courses.
What is general education?
This is a group in which students with the same interests join.
What is a student organization (or club)?

A secondary area of specialization beyond a college major

What is a college minor?

This is sometimes called a "four year" degree.
What is a Bachelor's degree?
Free money you can receive based on your grades, interests, or activities.
What is a scholarship?
One class usually counts for three of these. Twelve of these equals the load of a full-time student.
What is a unit?

This is where students eat on campus (if they get a meal plan)

What is the dining hall?

This is when a student studies two different fields at the same time.
What is a double major?
This is a degree you receive after you graduate from college and decide to continue for another two to three years.
What is a Master's degree?
This is when you work on campus and earn money as part of your financial aid package.
What is work study?
This is a class that is required in order to take another class.
What is a prerequisite?
Students who join Greek organizations usually live in these special houses.
What is a fraternity or sorority?
This is a major for students who aren't sure about what they want to study.
What is an undeclared major?
This is a degree you pursue after you graduate with a Bachelor's degree or Master's degree. it can take up to seven years to complete this degree.
What is a doctorate or Ph.D?
This is the portion of your college expenses your family is expected to pay when you receive your financial aid package.
What is Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)?
This is a class you design for yourself with the help of a professor.
What is independent study or special study?
This student is in charge of other students who live in the residence halls and helps them have a good experience while living in the residence hall.
What is a residential hall advisor (RHA) or residential advisor (RA)?
This is a special activity required for many majors in order to broaden your experience in learning about other cultures. You may do this for a summer, a semester, or a year.
What is Study Abroad or Education Abroad?
This is a special degree for students who continue school after their Bachelor's degree and want to learn more about business.
What is an MBA (Master's in Business Administration)?