A statement of accomplishment given by a college to students attending and completing a higher learning institution rigor in specific areas of study; required credits have been obtained.
What is a degree?
a sum of money charged for instruction by a school, college, or university / usually billed by semester
what is tuition?
post secondary institutions where the aim is to maximize profits, and forward these profits to the company's owners and shareholder
what is a for-profit universities?
first degree one can earn in post secondary education; "2 year" degree; example: Suffolk Community College
what is a Associate Degree?
This is a numerical version of your grades. Each course's grade is worth a certain number of points
(1-4) which are averaged together. Your GPA determines your Class Rank.
what is a GPA (Grade Point Average)
concentration of study and courses enrolled to pursue a specific degree
what is a major?
Money borrowed to pay for education. This money must be paid back. The best loans have deferred interest. That means interest does not start building until the education period is complete.
what is a student loan?
post secondary institutions where profits earned are distributed to school programs; receive funding from the government, tuition, and endowments
what is a Non Profit Universities?
Achieved after completion of a curriculum meeting the demands of a "4-year" college program; example: SUNY Albany
what is a Bachelor's Degree?
a school or teaching unit organized by an industry or large company to provide trade training, apprentice education, and similar courses. (not a formal college degree)
what is a trade school, vocational school?
courses that enhance a student's major course of study
what is a minor?
methods of paying for education/training, such as grants, scholarships, etc
what is Financial aid?
a university or college funded primarily through the state government
what is a Public University/College?
Master's Degree
an academic degree from a college or university for those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree.
what is a Master's Degree?
Training programs specific to work skills and trades that require the employee to be certified. Not a college degree.
what are certificate programs?
course you take in a traditional school setting, in a building
what are brick-and-mortar classes?
a gift of money or other aid awarded to a student to help pay for education
what is a Scholarship?
what is a Private University/College
a university or college funded primarily through non-governmental means, such as individual endowments
One of the highest levels of an academic degree. Typically requires the completion of a Master's Degree plus advanced graduate courses in a specialized area.
what is a Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.)?
Courses you take by computer instead of in a traditional classroom.
what are online classes?
student who is simply taking classes, but is not working toward a degree.
what is non-matriculated?
officially authorized or recognized; provided with credentials
What is accredit?
Refers to organizations (schools & businesses) that have physical (rather than virtual or online) presences - in other words, stores (built of physical material such as bricks and mortar) that you can drive to and enter physically to see, touch, and purchase merchandise.
what is a brick-and-mortar?
also known as Bachelor's Degree
what is a Undergraduate Degree?
enrolling in a college course for no grade and no credit.
what is a Audit