A number that represents your academic peformance
What is GPA?
Course that allow students to take rigorous high school courses
What is Pre-AP?
A college or university that often operates as a nonprofit organization
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
What is FASFA?
A formal education during and after high school that helps prepare you for your career
What is college?
A warning for students who fail to maintain the college/univerisity required GPA
What is academic probation?
What is ACT?
What is a Historically Black College or University?
Money you can earn by working at a job on your college campus
What is work study?
After complete Bachelors Degree could get this degree and typically takes 2-4 years
What is Masters?
The form of measurement most universities use to indicate how many credits a course it worth
What is credit hours?
Tests what students are capable of learning
Awards a Bachelors Degree and is typically 4 years
What is a University?
Free money you can recieve based on academics, sports, volunteer work, extra curricular activites and more
What is Scholarships?
A person who has successfully completed a course of study or training and been awarded a degree
What is graduate?
The main focus of your studies. Aligns with professional career you wish to pursue
What is major?
What is AP?
Programs are 2 years or less, sometimes even a few months. Awards certificates to study, train and work
What is Technical & Vocational College?
Money given that you dont have to pay back
What is grant?
Some careers require you to have this degree and it typically takes about 4-6 years to obtain
What is Doctorate Degree?
A secondary specialization. Could compliement your profession or a hobby or interest
What is minor?
What is final?
Awards Associates Degree. Often 2 years. Also known as JuCo
What is Community College?
Money you borrow that you have to pay back with interest
What is loan?
A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution
What is dorm?