College Types
College and Degree Types
Degree Types + Certification
College Characteristics and Student Type
Financial Aid

An institution of higher education created to educate and give degrees; often a part of a university

What is a college?


Some private colleges are connected to a place of worship or system of belief. Sometimes the connection impacts the classes offered, but other times there’s just a historical relationship with the place of worship.

What is a Religiously Affiliated College?


This two-year degree is either (A.A.) or (A.S.). Some students transfer to a four-year program to earn a B.A afterwards. Others complete this degree to prepare to go straight to work. Community colleges, career colleges, and some four-year colleges offer these degrees.

What is an Associates Degree? 


A college or university for which the government helps pay the costs.

What is a public college or university? 


Must be paid back, will be subsidized or unsubsidized.

What is a loan? 


An institution of higher education created to educate and give degrees. Made up of a number of schools or colleges, like a School of Nursing or a College of Engineering. A greater range of academic choices than liberal arts colleges, but often have classes that are quite large.

What is a university? 

Their origins in the time when African American students were not allowed to attend most other colleges and universities. These schools offer students a unique opportunity to experience an educational community in which they're part of the majority

What is an HBCU?


Requires completing a four or five-year program. Most earn a (B.A.) or (B.S.).

What is a Bachelor’s or Baccalaureate Degree?


The number of students that attend a school. Schools can be divided into three categories based on this measurement.

What is enrollment / size? 


Part time job program paid for by the federal government at a college or university.

What is work-study? 


Focus on undergraduate students. Classes are generally taught by professors who see teaching as their primary responsibility. Students who attend are exposed to a broad sampling of classes. In addition, they select at least one area of in-depth study that is their college “major.” One of the benefits is that graduates are perceived as more “well-rounded”

What is a Liberal Arts College? 


Term used for a Federal program designed to assist colleges or universities in the U.S. that assist first generation, majority low income Latino students

What is a Hispanic Serving Institute? 

If you know the percentage a school needs to be an HSI you receive DOUBLE POINTS. --> DAILY DOUBLE <dramatic music>


Advanced degree pursued after earning a bachelor’s degree. e.g. (M.A.) or (M.S.) degree. Students generally earn this degree after two years of study. A doctoral degree (for example, a Ph.D.) requires four or more years of study

What is a graduate degree? 


A college or university that is not under state or local control; it receives most of its funding from donors.

What is a private college or university? 


Free money which is need based.

What is a grant? 


Students who have made clear decisions about what they want to study and emphasize preparation for specific careers, E.g. (music or fine arts, engineering or technical sciences). You will want to be quite sure of your future direction before selecting one of these options.

What is a Technical Institutes and Professional School?


Students can earn a bachelor's plus a graduate or professional degree in less time if they combine them. A student on this track may apply to a graduate program as an undergraduate and begin the graduate program in the fourth year of college

What is a joint degree? 


Some colleges let you earn this certification by combining bachelor's degree study with state certification requirements. State requirements vary, but these programs usually feature professional education courses, including student instruction.

What is a teacher certification? 


A student in a university or college who has not received their first degree.

What is an undergraduate student? 


Free money based on talents, grades, or merit. 

What is a scholarship? 


Similar to HBCU’s, in focusing on the needs and education of American-Indian students

What are Tribal Colleges? 

In this program — also known as a 3-2 or dual-degree program — students usually complete three years of a specific type of study followed by two years of professional or technical study. In the end, students earn two bachelor’s degrees, usually a B.A. and a B.S.

What is the Liberal Arts and Career Combination?


Students earn this degree to become licensed to work in careers like medicine or law. The M.D. degree is an example. These programs generally require a college degree before you start them and then at least three years of study to complete.

What is a Professional Degree?


A student who has already earned a bachelor's and is studying for an advanced degree.

What is a graduate student? 


Loan type which has no interest until approximately six months after graduation.

What is a subsidized loan? 
