Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Procedures 3
Procedures 4
Procedures 5

What time is the late bell in the morning? (what time do you need to be in the classroom by)



What do you need to do if you need a dry-erase marker? 

give Mrs. Collins my class wallet with all of my money in it, pick a marker, and once I return it I will get my wallet back. 


When is the most appropriate time to ask to go to the bathroom? 

During independent work time. 


True or False: When we go out to recess, we are allowed to also play with toys from home. 

FALSE, we do not play with any toys from home, but if the recess teachers and/or Mr. Jerome pre-approve your sports equipment, you can bring those. 


True or false: you can use Chromebooks anywhere within the classroom you want. 

False: Chromebooks must remain on desks/tables and must be visible for Mrs. Collins to see what you are working on. 


What do you do when you are absent? 

I need to get someone else's planner (whom I trust) and copy down the assignments that I missed, check the blue paper organizer upfront for extra assignments, and check the grade book before asking Mrs. Collins what I missed. 


What does it look like to have GRIT in this classroom? 

Working hard, not giving up, giving my best effort, and trying again if I didn't get it right the first time. 


True or false: When I need a sharpened pencil, I can use the electric pencil sharpen. 

FALSE. Please put your dull pencil in the dull bucket and take a sharp pencil and head back to your seat. 


What should you do/ have every morning to be prepared for the day? 

Put personal things away, get out my pencil box, books, open my planner to today's date, have two sharp pencils, and all materials ready to do including a red pen, and then work on the morning ticket. 


True/False: May Dos can be done anytime during the day? 

False: May Dos are only to be done once I have double-checked my planner to make sure everything is turned in from the current week. 


True or False: The rules in our classroom also apply in other classrooms and at specials

TRUE. We are expected to follow school and classroom rules no matter where we are in the school.


What are the rules for the couch and pillows? 

two people at a time on the couch, take turns throughout the week, no pillows on the couch when sitting. Pillows can be moved throughout the classroom, but need to be put back when I am done using them. 


True or False: I only have to write in my planner whenever I think I need to. 

FALSE. Every morning you should write in your planner to keep track of what you need to finish. 


When Mrs. Collins is talking to another student what should you do if you have a question for the teacher? 

Stand far enough away that I cannot hear the conversation, look at Mrs. Collins and wait for her to signal that she has seen me, and then go sit back in my seat and work on something until she comes to get me. 


What do you do when you want to redo an assignment?

I can redo any assignment during the quarter by getting a new piece of paper, heading it correctly, saying "redo" at the top of the page, attaching it to the original assignment, and redoing any missed problems. Then I turn it normally. 


What are 4 ways to get a bonus? 

Mrs. Collins will approve/ deny your answer. 


True or False: When you finish an assignment/test/quiz etc. You should tell Mrs. Collins and ask her "What do I do now?" 

FALSE!!!!!! I should check my planner to see what else I need to finish and then work on May Dos. 


When someone in the classroom is sharing, how do we show them we are listening?

Eye contact, not talking, being respectful. 


If you have "really important" information either for the office or Mrs. Collins what should you do with it? 

Don't tell Mrs. Collins that you have it, just put it in the critical information basket. 


Who is responsible for your grades? 

Me and only me, not my family, not my teacher, If I put in the work my grades will reflect it. 


What do we do the last 5-8 minutes of the day? What should it look like and sound like?

Packing up and doing jobs. Everyone helps clean. Once the room is clean and everyone is packed, we wait in our seats to be dismissed. No one should be standing around or playing at this time. 


When Mrs. Collins does a call back (rhythm hand clap, rings the doorbell, says if you can hear me clap twice etc.) what should you do immediately? 

Stop my body, look at the teacher, stop talking, and stay like this until the directions are finished and Mrs. Collins says "go." 


What does Mrs. Collins expect of you while she is teaching a lesson?

sitting tall at our seats, asking questions, engaging in the lesson, showing respect: eye contact, not talking to our neighbors, facing the teacher, taking notes or working on problems together. 


How should you set up your math assignments? 

make sure the holes are on the left side of the page and the blank white section is at the top. Place my name, the date, and my student number on the right-hand side. Write the assignment on the first line at the top of the paper (legibly) 


What is Mrs. Collins' Golden Rule? 

Be kind! It doesn't matter if you like the person or not. Your words, actions, and body language should always reflect kindness. 
