uzoq qarindoshar
Distant relatives
do’st qiyofasidagi dushman
ochiq havorang ko’zlar
pale blue eyes
juda ham rostgo’y
brutally honest
qalin soqol
shaggy beard
serg’alva oila
Dysfunctional family
javobsiz sevgi
unrequited love
ichiga kirgan ko’zlar
deep-set eyes
asil basharasini ko’rsatmoq
to show one’s true color
hamma bilan kelishib ketadigan inson
social butterfly
aliment to’lamoq
pay child support
birinchi uchrashuv
blind date
juda ham ozg’in
all skin and bone
bezbet bo’lmoq
to have a thicker skin
oilani boshqa a’zolari bilan chiqisha olmaydigan a’zosi
the black sheep of the family
tangri yaratgan juftlik
a match made in heaven
2 tomchi suvdek o’xshamoq
bear a striking resemblance to
turmush qurishga qaror qilmoq
make a commitment
o’xshamoq, qoniga tortgan
run in the blood
urushib, yarashish
kiss and make up
yoshiga mos kiyinmaslik
mutton dressed as lamb
va’dasini ustidan chiqmoq
to perform one’s promise
oilani hammadan yashiradigan siri bo’lmoq
to have a skeleton in the cupboard