Most "witches" were executed in this way?
During this time, human being were kidnapped and sold from this continent?
Life, Liberty, and Property (later the Pursuit of Happiness) are examples of...
Natural Rights
Human Rights
What was the literacy rate in Puritan society?
This revival's inspiration was to renew interest in the church.
The First Great Awakening
Giles Corey (Ollie) was tortured in this way?
Pressed to death
The journey across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas, which was the route carrying enslaved Africans.
This region had the harshest winters.
New England region
Virginia was a ROYAL colony meaning they remained...
Under the king's rule.
This philosophical movement promoted scientific reasoning rather than faith alone.
A person forced to labor in exchange for passage to the colonies.
Indentured servant
Name a reason for the mass hysteria around witchcraft in Salem.
* Puritan Clergy encouraged the excitement around the trials to restore their dwindling power.
* The recent appointment of a Royal Governor caused a sense of lost autonomy and political anxiety.
* Cabin Fever spread amongst them because of the harsh New England weather.
* Certain indigenous herbs may have caused hallucinations similar to those experienced by the girls.
* Repressive elements of the Puritan religion and society may have contributed to this “acting out.”
* The accusations and trials were used to as a means of control.
* Theocratic society
A 3-part system where a ship from Europe would transport goods to West Africa, then slaves would be transported to the Americas. Finally goods were shipped from the Americas to Europe.
Triangular Trade Route
These TWO regions were plantation economies.
Chesapeake and Southern
A religious-based government with no separation of church and state.
What was the first college in the colonies?
The cash crop of Virginia was?
Name one of the Witch Tests.
Bound Submersion
Devil's Mark / Witch's Mark
Witch Cake
Lord's Prayer Test
Touch Test
A indirect result of Bacon's Rebellion was an increase in?
African slaves being brought to the colonies.
Name a cash crop of the Southern region.
These were the requirements to vote in the colonies.
Property owners
Young males
This colony was established as a refuge for debtors and the impoverished.
This slave was the first accused of the Salem Witch Trials.
This group brought the first African slaves to the English colonies.
The Dutch traders
Name ALL colonies that were considered New England colonies OR name ALL the colonies of the Middle Region.
Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Connecticut New York
Rhode Island New Jersey
New Hampshire Delaware
These acts passed by England led to negative effects on British-Colonial relations.
Navigation Acts
This document promoted the idea of self-governance and is an influence to the U.S. Constitution.
The Mayflower Compact
Rogues Island