Colonial Foundations Practice Quiz
Wild Card: Riddles
Pre-Colonial America

What are the 7 Continents?

North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Asia, Africa, Europe


Which statement is best supported by the information in this chart? 

(1) There was steady growth of both European and Native American populations.

(2) Native Americans aided Europeans for almost 90 years. 

(3) European colonization had devastating effects on Native Americans. 

(4) The French and Indian War impacted both Europeans and Native Americans.

(3) European colonization had devastating effects on Native Americans. 


The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?



What is the the term for someone working on a contract? 

Indentured Servant


These were Protestant Christians who separated from the Church of England in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Separatists (English Dissenters)

The Americas consist of what two continents? 

North and South America 


What was the main cause of the population trend shown in this chart? 

(1) the use of indentured servants in the early British colonies 

(2) disputes between the British and the French over land 

(3) the growing numbers of enslaved Africans brought to the American colonies

(4) the diseases and technology brought by Europeans to the Americas

(4) the diseases and technology brought by Europeans to the Americas


What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

A staircase


What is the term for someone who is forced into labor? 



This is the condition of permitting people to worship according to the practices of any religion they choose.

Religious Freedom (Tolerance)


What were at least 2 of the colonial powers in Pre-Colonial America? 

France, Spain, Britain, Dutch


What might the phrase "Join, or Die" suggest about the stakes for the colonies if they chose not to unite?  

(1) The colonies would lose their economic ties with Britain.  

(2) The colonies would be defeated by Native American and French forces, losing their land and freedom.  

(3) The colonies would be forced to pay higher taxes to the British Crown.  

(4) The colonies would gain independence immediately if they didn't unite.

(2) The colonies would be defeated by Native American and French forces, losing their land and freedom.  


What kind of band never plays music?

A rubberband


This is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.



These colonies/this region initially relied on agriculture but soon transitioned to fishing and commerce due to the colder climate.

New England Colonies


What is one geographical AND climate feature of the Southern Colonies? 

  • Semi-mountainous, Lush valleys, Rivers, Broad plains, Rolling hills , Fertile and moist soil

  • Humid spring and summers, Milder winters, Warmest temperatures of the three colonial regions


How did this cartoon and similar propaganda affect colonial attitudes during the French and Indian War?  

(1) It encouraged the colonies to remain independent of each other and avoid any alliances.  

(2) It heightened fear of French expansion, prompting the colonies to collaborate for mutual defense.  

(3) It led to increased support for British taxation policies to fund the war.  

(4) It caused the colonies to sever ties with Britain and begin the fight for independence.

(2) It heightened fear of French expansion, prompting the colonies to collaborate for mutual defense.  


What tastes better than it smells?

Your tongue


These were a group of British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. Founded in the 17th and 18th centuries, they declared independence in 1776 and together formed the United States of America.

Thirteen Colonies


These were coerced laborers that did an increasingly large portion of the agricultural labor in the Thirteen Colonies—particularly in the American South.

The Enslaved 


What is one geographical AND climate feature of the New England Colony? 

  • Mountainous, Thick, large trees, Rivers, Rocky soil


What can be inferred about the relationship between the colonies and Britain at the time this cartoon was published in 1754?  

(1) The colonies were unified and already acting independently of Britain.  

(2) The colonies were divided, and their survival against external threats depended

on cooperation.  

(3) The colonies were entirely dependent on British military and economic support.  

(4) The colonies were on the verge of declaring independence from Britain.

(2) The colonies were divided, and their survival against external threats depended


(Prior Knowledge) 

A chapter of time when sails unfurled wide, across stormy seas, adventurers would ride. Empires expanded, new lands they'd claim, In search of glory, wealth, and fame. This era of discovery, where compasses spun, New worlds revealed by the stars and sun. What am I, this time of daring quest, when the globe was charted from east to west?

The Age of Exploration


These were the English Puritan settlers who came to North America on the Mayflower and established a colony in what is today Plymouth, Massachusetts.



This was one of the first colonial representative assemblies, located in the Colony of Virginia.

House of Burgesses
