What does it mean when you are able to take care of oneself without help?
What is the open space in a colonial town where animals could graze?
town common
Southern Plantations were mostly____________.
What was a book that contained facts and figures about many topics?
Slaves had to work______________.
Who is someone who learns a skill by working for an experienced person?
general store
What were the crops grown on plantations called?
cash crops
What was taught in colonial schools?
reading, writing, math and how to be polite
Where were most enslaved people being brought to the colonies coming from?
West Africa
What was the event in 1739 in which enslaved people fought with slave owners?
Stono Rebellion
What is the most important building in a colonial town?
meeting house
Who were the plantation managers?
chores, games, or sports
Slaves in the North had more chances to improve their lives. What could they do?
Great Awakening
What were small farms called?
What kinds of crops were grown on plantations?
tobacco, rice, and indigo
Which religious group started the Great Awakening?
The Protestants
Slaves in the South brought many skills to the colonies. What skills did they bring?
carpenters, blacksmiths, or tailors
What are trade routes that are between three regions; they make the shape of a triangle?
triangular trade route
What the a large farm where cash crops such as tobacco and rice were grown?
Plantation (Southern Plantation)
Elizabeth Lucas Pinckney
Who was the leader of the Great Awakening?
George Whitefield
What happened in the Stono Rebellion?
slaves fought against slave owners to try to escape