What colonies is New jersey in?
Middle Colonies
They did slavery and produced cotton,indigo,rice and corn.
What did the Southern colonies do to get food and what kinds?
They were experiencing hot/humid summers and cool/mild winters.
What weather were the Southern Colonies experiencing?
New England Colonies
What region of colonies were know for their main religion as puritanism?
In the Triangle Trade route slaves would come from Africa.
Where were slaves known to come from in the Triangle Trade route?
What colonies is Delaware in?
The Middle Colonies.
They did whaling,fishing and shipbuilding.
What did the New England colonies do for the economy?
Warm/mild summers and cold/mild winters.
What weather was the Middle Colonies known for?
The Puritans and Pilgrims.
What was New England formed by?
Lutherans,Catholics,protestants,Presbyterians,Jewish People,Anglicans,Mennonites,Amish.
What were some of the religions that settled in the Middle Colonies?(Name at least 3)
Pennsylvania,New York,Delaware,New Jersey
What colonies are in the Middle Colonies?
They wanted to make money,free religious practices,and their own land.
What did the Middle colonist want?
Very cold winter and mild summers.
What weather was the New England colonies experiencing.
3-7 years. They are offered freedom and can own land after the obligation.
How long would Indentured servants work for? What do they get?
North America,Africa and Europe.
Who was involved in the Triangle Trade route?
Massachusetts,Rhode island,Connecticut,New Hampshire.
What colonies are in the New England Colonies?
What made Jamestown profitable?
Tobacco made the Jamestown colony profitable.
The land was rocky so they could not get many crops.
What was New England's land like for farmers?
What is push/pull factors?(Give an example)
Push/pull factors can be,for example(You left because of the economy in that type of country) That's a push factor but the country that you left for a better economy is pulling in.
An agreement between the Pilgrims to establish rules for them.
What was the Mayflower Compact?
Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia,Maryland.
What colonies are in the Southern Colonies?
Known as the Breadbasket colonies they produce wheat,Rye,barley and corn.
What were the Middle Colonies known for with food and what kinds?
They had rich soil for slaves in the field and produced many crops.
What was the condition like for farmers/slaves for the Southern Colonies?
What is the difference between slaves an Indentured servants?(Give an example)
Indentured servants were offered freedom and can own land after obligation. Slaves however were forced to work in the fields and would be traded for money. They would live their lives working for them.
Moving to another location,dying of disease,killed by native or maybe assimilated with the native people.
What is Roanoke called and are the theories about the disappearance of the settlers?