Native American Folktales
2 chunk paragraph
Anne Bradstreet
Of Plymouth Plantation
How did Native Americans pass their folk tales from one generation to the next?
Through the oral tradition of story-telling.
Explain the purpose of the topic sentence.
The topic sentence states the thesis of your paragraph. Both of your chunks, in fact the whole of rest of your paragraph, will support the topic sentence.
Define and give an example of the poetic term, apostrophe.
In an apostrophe poem, the author addresses an inanimate object or someone who is absent or dead as if the object or person were present and able to hear and respond. Ex.: Unit test, you fill me with dread and loathing.
List at least four elements of Puritan Plain Style writing.
artful simplicity; accessibility; absence of rhetorical ornamentation; presence of didactic intent; poetry should serve God by expressing only useful or religious ideas.
Use the word "relent" correctly in a sentence.
Relent means to soften or give in. For example, if the class is well-behaved and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the day's lesson, the teacher might relent to the students' request for early dismissal.
What purposes did folk tales serve?
Folk tales conveyed lessons and values important to the tribe.
Explain the purpose of the claims.
The claim makes an assertion based on what you have inferred from the text. Your claim is not an opinion, rather it is a statement that you prove with evidence from the text. The claim supports a specific aspect of your topic and each claim should be distinct, although both relate to the topic.
List two literary devices that Anne Bradstreet uses throughout "The Author to Her Book".
Apostrophe and extended metaphor.
List 3 inferences you can make about the Pilgrims' understanding of God by reading Bradford's journal.
The journals suggest that Pilgrims believed: that God is responsible for the outcome of events; that Pilgrims should express gratitude for God's providence; that God's providence includes retribution for bad behavior; that God is protecting the Pilgrims.
Give an example of an act of malice.
An act of malice is something done with ill will and intent; for example, trying to physically hurt someone with whom you are arguing would be an act of malice.
In Native American folk tales, at least one of the major characters is________________________.
Explain the purpose of the quote.
The quote is your evidence from the text demonstrating that your claim is supported by the author's writing.
What are the inversions in the following line, and how would the lines sound if you "uninverted" them: "My pleasant things in ashes lie And them behold no more shall I." --A. Bradstreet "Verses Upon the Burning of Our House"
Line 1--the object and verb are inverted Line 2--the object and verb are inverted, the subject and verb are inverted My pleasant things lie in ashes, and I shall behold them no more.
Describe the differences between the Pilgrims' and the ship's crew's reactions to the illnesses that beset them.
The 6 or 7 Pilgrims who were still healthy tirelessly and without grudge took care of the many others who were sick and dying. The ship's crew refused to tend to the Pilgrims or even to share with them the beer and other supplies which might have been useful. When the crew became sick, the Pilgrims were merciful and caring, but the crewmen deserted their ill confederates.
Use the word loath correctly in a sentence.
Loath means reluctant; for example, the teacher might be loath to allow the students to choose their own seats for fear that the students will sit next to friends with whom they will chat throughout class when they should be paying attention to the lesson.
Characterize the action and plots of Native American folk tales (i.e. detailed, realistic, fanciful, simple etc.)
The action is unrealistic, and the plots are simple.
What is the purpose of the commentary?
The commentary is your chance to explain to the reader how your quote proves that your claim is valid.
What type of rhyming lines does Bradstreet use in this verse: "I starting up, the light did spy, And to my God my heart did cry To straighten me in my Distress And not to leave me succourless." --Bradstreet, "Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House"
rhymed couplets
What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact, and why did the Pilgrims feel it was necessary to establish the covenant.
The Mayflower Compact established an inclusive government in which all of the (male) passengers had a say and by which all of the passengers agreed to abide. The Pilgrims, upon hearing mutinous speeches and intentions expressed by non-Separatists, grew nervous that without an established government, the colony's success would be jeopardized.
When might your teacher shout execrations?
Your teacher (not Ms. Frates of course) might shout execrations when you are talking off topic throughout class and ask the same question she's already answered 2 times when others asked it, but you weren't listening.
"The 'timbre' (tone, unique quality) of a people's stories tells of the qualities of that people's heart." Explain how this quote by the author, Marie McLaughlin applies to the Sioux folk tales we read.
The lessons in the tales reveal that the Sioux valued responsibility for oneself and for others in the tribe, thoroughness in the harvest, and consideration of consequences before taking action..
Locate 2 errors in the following claim and correct them: I think Bradford is saying that the Pilgrims believed God"s retribution was just. "And I may not omit here a special work of God's Providence". Bradford suggests that God punished the profane, young man because of his rude behavior towards the Pilgrims.
Error--"I think" (opinion not assertion) Error--no context for quote Bradford suggests that the Pilgrims believed...just. When he recounts the death of the profane, young man who had been mocking and rude towards the Pilgrims, he begins, "And I may not...Providence". Bradford suggests...
Paraphrase and infer the meaning of the following excerpt from "Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House": Thou hast a house on high erect Fram'd by that mighty Architect, With glory richly furnished Stands permanent, though this be fled. It's purchased and paid for too By him who hath enough to do.
You have a home built above by God (Heaven). It's "furnished" with God's glory, and it's permanent though this home on earth is now gone. God, who has plenty to do already, has already made sure that this home is there and ready for you.
List at least 5 incidents, described by Bradford in the journal, that shape the Pilgrims' relationship with the Native Americans.
When the Pilgrims' first arrived, the Native Americans were hostile and distant; while the Pilgrims were dealing with illness, the Native Americans skulked around and stole tools; Samoset introduced himself; Pilgrims made treaty with Massassoit and met Squanto; Squanto became interpreter and showed them how, what, and where to plant; Hobamack comes to live with Pilgrims; Corbitant threatens Squanto and Hobamack; Pilgrims send armed group of 14 to possibly cut off Corbitant's head and scare the Indians; Pilgrims earn favor with Indians when Hobabmack tells them that the Pilgrims planned only to hurt Corbitant if he had harmed Squanto.
Use the word reproved correctly in a sentence.
Reproved means reprimanded or scolded; for example the student would like to have reproved the teacher for taking three weeks to grade the project she had worked so hard putting together.