Can you name a few of the groups that came here?
Lutherans, Catholics, Protestants,Prebyterians,Jewish people, Anglicans, Mennonites, Amish.
What is their economy?
It was built on small farms, shipbuilding, fishing, and trade.
What did the farmers grow?
They grew indigo plants.
What were the first Colonies?
North America were along the eastern coast.
What are the Middle Colonies?
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey.
What did they produce?
Produced oats, wheat, rye.
What are the states?
Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire.
What are there Colonies?
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.
What are the first colonies?
New Jersey (NJ), Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), Massachusetts (MA), Rhode Island (RI), Connecticut (CT), New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), North Carolina (NC), Georgia (GA), Delaware (DE), South Carolina (SC), and New Hampshire (NH).
What colonies has a nickname?
Middle Colonies.
What did the Middle Colonists establish?
They established money.
What was this formed by?
This was formed by Puritans.
What diseases did they have?
Hot/Humid in the summer and Cold/Mild winters.
What was one of the 13 colonies?
Southern Colonies.
What freedom did the Middle Colonies have?
They had Religious Freedom.
What did they grow and sell?
They grew and sold cash crops.
What was their farming like?
It was rocky and they had subsistence farming.
What did they accepted?
They accepted different religions.
What was the most known Colonies?
Middle Colonies, New England Colonies.
What was the farming like in New England Colonies?
The farming was rocky.
Who had a lot of skills in farming?
The Dutch, English, and German.
Did the Puritans tolerant religions?
They did not tolerant religions.
What else did they grow?
They also grew Cash Crops.
Which colonies accepted religions?
Southern Colonies did.
What were Southern Colonists grew?
They grew cash crops.