Rocky, hard, not watered.
How was the soil in New England colonies?
Watered, healthy, and fertile.
What was the land like in the Middle Colonies?
How did people make a living?
A venture.
What did Jamestown used to be?
Abandoned Colony.
What was Roanoke?
The Puritans.
Who formed the New England colonies?
Invented in Pennsylvania and used for trade.
What is the wagon?
Nice, rich, and fertile.
What was the soil like in the Southern Colonies?
After a royal colony.
What was Virginia named after?
The "Magic City".
What was Roanoke's nickname?
What is the major religion in New England?
The Breadbasket colonies.
What is the Middle Colony's nickname?
Hot/humid and cool/mid.
How was the weather in the winter and the summer in the Southern Colonies?
How long was starving time?
On the Outer Banks.
Where is Roanoke located?
Fishing, shipbuilding, and whaling.
What are the 3 ways New England made a living?
Henry Hudson, William Penn,and the Quackers.
Who are the important people in the Middle Colonies?
Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
What were the 5 colonies in the South?
Beer or a weakly fermented beverage.
What did they drink in Jamestown?
Some settlers made a currency called "rawrenoc".
How did Roanoke get it's name?
John Wintrop, King Philip,and Roger Williams.
Who were the important people in the New England colonies?
Wheat, corn, and oats.
What were the crops grown in the Middle Colonies?
Lord Baltimore, King Charles, and the Settlers.
Who were the important people in the Southern Colonies?
John Smith, John Rolfe, and King James.
Who are the important people in Jamestown?
5 years.
How long did Roanoke last for?