The Puritans were not tolerant of other religions.
How did the Puritans feel about other religions?
Trading and Shipbuilding
What are the economic advantages?
Rich soil
What was their soil like?
Located on the Outer Banks of what we now call North Carolina
What is the Lost Colony of Roanoke?
Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia
What are the Southern colonies?
Whaling, Fishing, Shipbuilding, and Subsistence Farming
What was the economy of the New England colonies?
What cash crops did they have?
Many different religions
What religions were accepted here?
The Triangle Trade Route
What is the route that includes North America, Africa, and Europe?
Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York
What are the Middle Colonies?
What is the major religion for this region?
The Dutch, English, and German
Who was known for their farming?
Cool/Mild winters and Hot/Humid summers
What was the weather?
People who work for an individual for a limited time of about 3-7 years
Who are indentured servants?
The growing of tobacco
What is the Jamestown colony's economy?
The Puritans and Pilgrims
Who formed the New England colonies?
Catholics, Amish, Jewish, etc
What are some other religions that came to this area?
Slave labor
How did they get work done/farm?
African Americans forced over to America from Africa
What are slaves?
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
What are the New England Colonies?
Rocky Land
What kept them from farming easily
What was the group who settled here initially?
Maryland in 1649
Where was the Toleration Act declared?
Moving to another location, dying of the disease, killed by the natives or dispersing and maybe assimilated with the native people
What are theories about the disappearance of the settlers at Roanoke Range?
The Breadbasket Colonies
What are the Middle Colonies? (they make wheat, barely, rye, corn, and others)